〖8 - The Party, Part 2〗

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Sorry I took such a long break, I wanted to update it earlier but I didn't have time to write 

CW: mention of drinking, angst


Skeppy's POV

There's an uncomfortable tension between me and Bad. It's the same atmosphere as when we were in the car, but it's sugarcoated in the alcohol we both drank.

I think about declining the offer to play, but I could care less, honestly. What's the worst that could happen?

Most of the game is a blur, a jumble of words, a chunk of time gone hazy. Maybe I shouldn't have had so many beers...

The round eventually makes it to Dream.

"Skeppy, truth or dare?" he has a sly grin on his face, like he wants to cause trouble. I can already tell that either one I pick, I'll be screwed.

You know what, who gives a shit? It's not like I'll remember anything embarrassing I do, anyway.


He stays silent for a bit, like he's thinking. "I dare you to spend seven minutes in heaven with Bad."

Immediately my adrenaline spikes, mingling with the effects of the alcohol. The overstimulation of my senses coming back makes me tense.

That came out of nowhere. I knew the dare would be bad, but not as bad as this.

My cheeks blush as I glance at Bad.

He looks uncomfortable. His face, which is already flushed from the beer, is burning hotter than before. His expression is twisted, with either disgust or panic. It's hard to tell.

'Oohs' and giggles come from everyone else. Fuck.

Dream herds us over to the bathroom. Both of us are spaced out, trying to comprehend the situation.

"Have fun, you two!" he lets out a laugh, the door closing behind him. He probably thinks he's helping us, when in reality he's just making everything even worse.

Bad's POV

Skeppy walks over to the tub, slides down against the side of it, and watches me. I lean against the opposing wall, still making sense of what we're doing in here.

We stay in silence for a while, just looking at each other. His eyes shimmer with surprise and his eyebrows convey concern.

His expression shifts to hatred when I try to give him a smile to make this less awkward.

He leans forward, preparing to stand up. "Why are you avoiding it? Why are you ignoring my feelings?" his face burns with rage, with sadness. "Why the hell are you acting like everything is okay?" he shifts to a more defensive posture and clenches his fists.

I stare in shock.

No, not shock. Disappointment. Disappointment in myself.

The familiar sting in my eyes and acidic taste in my mouth shows up. I feel shaky. I didn't mean to avoid it. It just happened. I hurt him by doing that.

"I don't know," I whisper through gritted teeth.

"What do you mean you 'don't know'?" he seethes. "I spilled my heart out for you and you're pretending like it didn't even happen! I cried for hours about it! I told my best friend that I'm and love with him and he ghosted me," Skeppy is on his feet and has taken a few steps towards me. I can tell he's also shaking. Our emotions are overwhelming us.

"Pretending everything is okay is the only thing I know how to do," my voice cracks. My legs give out and guide me to the floor.

I'm not good at arguing about my feelings. It makes me want to curl up in a ball and hide.

He leans down and studies my expression. I can smell the alcohol on his breath, but all I see is blurred tiles on the bathroom floor. "Do you love me or not?" he fumes. 

The tears are starting to fall, marking a path down my face. Something roughly jerks my chin upwards. 

Dark brown eyes gaze into my own, along with furrowed eyebrows and a slight scowl. I realize that Skeppy's also crying, probably even more than me. his voice is suddenly weak and light but his words are heavy. 

"Do you even like me anymore?"

The grip he has on my chin loosens. He sulks down into a crying heap, completely changing moods.   

I hate this. Why do I make him hurt? What can I do to stop this? There has to be something.

Everything is fuzzy. The only thoughts forming are impulsive or risky. I have to try it, though. I have to make him feel better.

Reaching for him, I pull him to sit up. His face is covered in a sheen of tears, but he looks straight at me with a pained expression. The only rational part of my brain tries to reconsider, but it's too late; the words are already coming out.

"I do love you, so much." I notice his eyes slightly widen. The corners of his mouth twitch almost into a smile.

Before I know it, he lays a short kiss on my lips. It's not at all euphoric like it should be, but it was reassuring nonetheless.

I fall into his arms. I'm glad he's going to feel better. All I want is for him to be okay.


3rd POV (Skeppy & Bad)

The bittersweet moment feels like it lasts ages. Eventually they separate from their hug; neither want to let go, but it's been a while and the others will start to worry.

Bad makes his way to the sink and splashes water on his face. Skeppy stands up as well, wiping the tears with his hands. 

Picking up a washcloth, Bad mumbles something for Skeppy to barely catch. 

"Are you going to be okay?"

Skeppy stares in the mirror at his splotchy red face. The tears have stopped, but their stains are sill visible. "Yeah, I think so."

The two cool off for a bit, waiting until they look semi-decent. They make their way back to the living room.

Even if it isn't obvious that they cried, it's apparent that they didn't have a good time. No one questions it, though. The most they get is a concerned look from George.


Hey everyone! Sorry that this is so late, as I said before I wanted to get it out sooner, but I didn't get enough time to write :/

Hope you liked this chapter, the next one's gonna be surprising to say the least >:)

hearts and sparkles,

Synn <3

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