〖10 - The Aftermath〗

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HI EVERYONE!!!! Long time no see,, heh 😅

This is going to be the last chapter (second to last?) since writing this story has started to become a bit hard for me bc of inspiration/other projects :) Everything will be a bit briefer than I'd prefer, and more is up to the reader's interpretation, but it is what it is.
Don't forget, parentheses are the character talking/part of the story, -this- is an a/n :D

CW: little bit of angst, suggestion to sexual activities, argument

TW: I mention Advil/drugs (not in a bad connotation though)


July 6, Sapnap's POV

Weightless void.

Shivers. Slight tingles.

A pounding in my ear. The raw stinging of my throat.

Crisp, cool material draped over me.

A soft, furry object brushing against my arm, moving up my forearm, up, up towards my face.

My nose filling with a familiar scent of dust, grass, and... eugh, fish?

My eyes blink open but quickly squint due to the light beaming in from the windows. The constant pain in my head disturbs my thoughts for a minute. I soon discern the details in my room -- or rather, the thing blocking my view of it.

Oh, Patches.

She mews. Sitting up slowly, as not to make my migraine any worse, I glance at the clock.

10:37 AM

Shit. The events of last night come flooding back. Does he really love Quackity too? Did I really say that I'd be okay with it? What happened after, why can't I remember? I need some Advil and food, I feel terrible.

Patches mews again. I look back down to her, and up to the door and the silence past it. It's ajar, most likely from her pushing her way in. She paws at my lap, vocalizing her hunger once again.

Dream should've fed her by now, It's nearly 10...

I stumble my way into the hallway, taking a look around. the living room is seemingly vacant, and nothing besides patches' footsteps and the air conditioning can be heard. The bathroom door is open, light off, like usual -- but Dream's door is wide open. I peek in, half-expecting to see him on his computer or his phone, but no one is there.

I shrug it off and head to the bathroom for Advil, then to the kitchen for some breakfast, preferably a green apple (I'm craving one right about now). Patches follows me, persistent that she gets her breakfast as well.


George's POV

"Mhmm..." The bedsheets rustle. I barely hear his mumble of protest to the morning over my clacking of the keyboard.

I swivel around and am met with Dream stretching his arms way above his head, shirtless, revealing a hickey or two on his upper chest (although I have a lot more). His triceps and shoulders flex, sending me a small wave of panic. I exhale slightly, not needing to remember what happened a couple hours ago.

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