〖3 - "Leave Him The Fuck Alone!"〗

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CW: SUGGESTED SEXUAL HARRASMENT! and a little bit of  horny sapnap 😏

(Skip to end for a summary again!)

June 29th, Karl's POV

My phone keeps vibrating to my left. I stay unmoving, trying to pay attention to my monitor.

"Who is it, Bub?" Sap seems annoyed. I'm sure he knows who it is. His eyebrows are scrunched up with curiosity and his dark brown eyes glint with love. We're talking in a private voice chat with our cameras on, following our nightly tradition.

I rest my elbow on the table and my face in my palm, "Quackity won't stop messaging me," I let out a long groan. This is stressing me out.

I peek at Sappy's facecam through my fingers. The comforting gleam in his eyes is replaced with anger and worry. His head cocks to the side. He's always overprotective of me, and I think it's sweet. The corners of my mouth lift a little at the thought of Sap caring that much.

Sapnap's POV

"Tell him you're taken. Block him," I emphasize my words, shaking my head as I talk. I feel my face heat up. I'm just trying to protect Karl.

He hesitates. "I would, but... you know that we're not supposed to tell people about our relationship. It's fine, I can just ignore it," Karl sprouts a sad smile and relaxes his shoulders. He looks like he's lying to himself.

I stutter with frustration, trying to make sense of my thoughts, but it leads to nowhere. I take a breath. It doesn't help much.

"You're so cute when you're worked up."

My face flushes. That was out of nowhere, but it was the usual from Karl. He continues to compliment me. My stomach fills with butterflies. I try to form a sentence to strike back, about how his honey brown hair looks so fluffy, how his kind eyes melt me,

how his lips look so- so soft and delicious... His smooth neck that I'd love to spot with bruises.

I bite my lip to try and subside the feeling in my stomach.

Karl cuts my thoughts off with a laugh. He can tell I calmed down -- or at least changed moods.  We continue to ignore the vibrations of Karl's phone.

"Hey, don't worry about Quackity. Ignoring his romantics is the best route. He's still a -- a friend, I don't want to hurt him," he comforts me. I don't understand why he wants to be friends with someone who keeps harassing him.

I let out a hitched breath. "Just..." I think for a moment. "If it's too much for you, know you can talk to me about it, Bubs."

A smile spreads across his rosy face. I know he loves that nickname.

Suddenly his phone stops vibrating and starts playing a familiar tune. Karl's eyes look like they're about to pop out of his head. He stares down to his left, presumably at the phone.

"Shit. He's calling me," his voice is higher than normal, his eyelids flitting as if he's tempted to cry. He quickly answers.

"H-hey Big Q! I'm with Sapnap right now." I can tell that Karl is uncomfortable, but he tries his best to sound normal. I can't hear the other end of the conversation, but judging on his reactions, it's nothing good. I've known that Quackity has been flirting with Karl; Karl tells me about everything. We've been dating for about three months, after all, and we really love each other.


"Can you please stop? I've told you before that it makes me uncomfortable," his voice wavers as he looks to the side. It could've easily been mistaken for being flustered.

It hurts seeing my boyfriend like this.


A tear falls down Karl's cheek. It seems like a surge of sadness engulfs him.

My throat is stinging. There's a pit in my stomach. I ball my hands into fists.

"Karl, put it on speaker," I say through my teeth. He complies, tears still rolling down his face.

I snap. "Leave my boyfriend alone, you son of a bitch."

I can hear the shock and embarrassment in Quackity's voice. "Uh, hey, Sapnap! It's not wh-"

"LEAVE HIM THE FUCK ALONE!" My eyes are watering. I can't think. All I know is my Karl is hurt. My mouth tastes of bile, my face red hot.

Karl seems to release his tension when he hangs up. He brings his legs to his chest and starts sobbing with his head pressed into his knees. I sigh, glad the interaction is over. I continue to comfort him as we both let the tears fall. We end the call with kisses blown at each other.


Here's a summary for those who skipped:

Karl and Sapnap are on a video call. Quackity keeps messaging Karl. Sapnap doesn't like the fact that he's bothering Karl, but Karl ensures him that ignoring the romantic messages is the best course of action. Quackity then calls Karl, and he answers. Sapnap (and the readers) can't hear what Quackity is saying, but Karl expresses discomfort. Karl starts tearing up, causing Sapnap to snap. He tells Karl to put it on speaker and yells at Quackity to leave his boyfriend alone. Karl hangs up on Quackity, still upset as they end their video call and go to bed.

First let me apologize for making Quackity seem like a dick :,) it was needed for the storyline, but he won't be a recurring character (unless?????)
I'm sure you noticed that these chapters don't really connect yet. That's because these are just filler chapters to set the basic plot and info down. I promise we'll get to the main story in the next chapter or two!!! <3

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