im not dead lmao

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i promise this story isn't dead i'm just taking a really long time to finish the last chapter i'm sorry guys 😭🤚

i'm proud of myself for sticking with this, i almost never finish projects and i'm almost done this one!!

this story was not planned at all as you might be able to tell by the way it's written, and it's just a thing i wanted to do for fun. Also i reread the story i'm so sorry for the cringey-ass kiss scene i'm so bad at writing that stuff 😀

i'm not gone! just struggling with getting started writing again... i have vacation in like 2-3 weeks and then another vacation at the beginning of september so hopefully i can finish writing this before then :0

thank you so much for being there and supporting my writing ily guys!!!!!!! your comments and interactions encourage me to become a better writer and a better person :)

hearts and sparkles,

Synn <3

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