〖11 - All's Well That Ends Well〗

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Kind of unrelated but not at the same time; The Neighbourhood and Arctic Monkeys reminds me of karlnap and Glass Animals and Alt-J remind me of dnf lol

Skephalo is idk... Ed Sheeran??? (skephalo slander 😍 /j) But seriously, skephalo's like those old 2000's cheesy love songs

Here's a recap since it's been so long (super sorry about that):

Chapter 1: George sits on his roof, stressed out about how he's developing feelings for Dream. Later Dream calls George, Bad, Skeppy, Sapnap, and Karl. He asks them if they want to come to Florida and they all agree.

Chapter 2: Skeppy has a panic attack and confesses to Bad how he's in love with him. Bad comforts Skeppy and tells him that he needs to process it and think for a bit.

Chapter 3:  Sapnap and Karl are in their daily discord call together when Alex Quackity calls Karl. Sapnap knew Quackity has been 'bothering' Karl. He yells at Quackity and Karl hangs up.

Chapter 4:  George takes a plane to Florida. Dream sets up the rooms, puts gifts from Sapnap in Karl's and puts a teddy bear from himself in George's. Sapnap leaves to pick up Karl from the airport and later George. When George arrives, he has a typical gay panic attack when he sees Dream.

Chapter 5: Bad basically ghosts Skeppy for the week. The time comes to go to Dream's and Bad picks up Skeppy from the airport. They get there and the day is almost over. Bad worries about their relationship and what's going to happen to them.

Chapter 6: Sapnap wants Karl to come to his room to cuddle. He agrees and Karl comes down. They tell each other "I love you" as they fall asleep.

Chapter 7: They start the party, get drinks out, and order a pizza. George goes to get the plates from the cabinet, but he's too short so he gets a stepstool. Dream comes up behind him and scares him, making him fall over on top of Dream. They end up making out  (💀) until Skeppy obliviously interrupts them. They go back to the group and Bad suggests they play truth or dare.

Chapter 8: Dream dares Skeppy to spend 7 minutes in heaven with Bad. They both reluctantly go into the bathroom. Skeppy snaps at Bad because he keeps ignoring him and pretending that everything is fine. They both cry and try to explain their feelings. They share a short, bittersweet kiss and clean up their tears before heading back to the living room.

Chapter 9: Sapnap dares Karl to tell everyone about how he cheated on him with Quackity. It turns out Sapnap saw text messages from Quackity the night before. Sapnap drunkenly remarks he would've been open to having a relationship with Quackity and Karl. He passes out from drinking too much and from the stress of the situation. Karl later explains to Dream, George, Bad, and Skeppy that he's been dating Sapnap and seeing Quackity and that he's in love with both of them.

Chapter 10: Sapnap wakes up and heads to the kitchen to feed Patches, mulling over the events of last night. Dream wakes up in George's room after 'distracting' each other all night (😏), and he and George head downstairs. Bad and Skeppy are talking about their relationship and agree to take it slow. They come downstairs for breakfast. Karl makes his way to the kitchen and asks no one in particular if he can talk to Sapnap. Dream is blatantly rude to him. Karl leaves to go back to his room. Skeppy gets mad at Dream for being so ruthless, defending Karl.

OKAY! time for the long-awaited last chapter!

CW: angst, but also fluff lol

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