〖7 - The Party, Part 1〗

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CW: drinking, lime


July 5, Dream's POV

Music blasts through my earbuds. I feel numb but overstimulated at the same time. Why?

Yeah, I'm happy to see my friends, but I didn't feel this way when I first met up with Sapnap. Surely it isn't because of George... Or the way he looked at me when we hugged. 

Did he actually check me out or was I hallucinating?

Just admit it. You know it's because of George.

But I can't admit it. I don't like him anymore. I can't like him, he's my friend.

The sun hasn't come up yet, but I know it's pretty close to doing so. Sleep had passed me by tonight, and I'm trying to drown out my feelings with music. 

It has the opposite affect, though. It amplifies them. I'm so frustrated. I'm tired of this. Why can't I accept that I don't like him?

Why can't you accept that you do like him?


July 5, 3rd POV (George)

"What the hell, George?" Sapnap shouts across the living room. George Lets out a short giggle while he dashes around the couch.

He stole the TV remote from Sap because he wouldn't change the channel, and now they're playing ring-around-the-rosie with the couch. 

George switches the channel to a baking competition. Really anything is better than American football. A reluctant groan comes from Sap and they both plop back down to watch the show. Karl rolls his eyes at the immature pair.

"Come on, she obviously had the better muffins!" Skeppy comments from a recliner.

"All the muffins look good, though," Bad adds. He's sitting on the floor to George's left.

George sighs as he sinks into the couch. This is boring, he can't wait for the party tonight. He might get the chance to kiss Dream, although that chance is slim. Dream doesn't like him back, so they'd have to be really drunk for it to happen.

A soft touch on his neck and shoulder alarms him.

"Geo-orge, guess who?" Dream's voice sounds low and playful, almost sultry. George's eyes go wide and he tenses at a shiver shooting down his spine. He'd do that voice in calls, but it's a lot more nerve-wracking in real life.

As Dream swings around the corner of the couch, still leaning on George's shoulder, he chuckles. George forces a smile to cover the slight adrenaline.

"So, when are we gonna start the party?" Bad looks towards Dream and Sapnap.

"We can get the drinks out soon, if you want. It's almost eight, anyways," Sap answers. 

"Might as well!"


It's around 9:35 when the doorbell rings. It's slightly muffled by the music Sapnap is blasting.

Karl goes to answer it, stumbling a bit on the way there. He's only had one drink (that George saw), but he's reasonably lightweight and doesn't handle alcohol well.

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