〖5 - "It'll Be Okay."〗

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July 5, Bad's POV

It's been almost a week since Skeppy called me.

Of course we've messaged since then, but it's pretty simple and dry texts.

I kind of want to ignore the whole situation, but it's nearly impossible. My mind keeps wandering back there.

Today it's the worst. I'm going to see him in a couple hours.

I brush my hand across the blanket on my lap. The TV is turned on in an effort to distract me (although it isn't working at all), and my scrambled eggs sit on a plate in front of me.

Instead of actually watching the show, I'm staring off into space.

The memory of Skeppy's shaky voice echoes through my head.

"Daryll. Please." Please what? It's okay, I'm here for you.

"I started beating myself up for liking you." I hate that you did.

"I think I messed us up. I'm sorry." No, you didn't. You didn't.

The tears blur my vision. I scrunch up my nose. A breath I didn't even know I was holding escapes me.

I love him. I really do.

It's just that I don't think I can handle my adulation suddenly being returned.

Don't get me wrong; I'm extremely happy that he likes me back. It feels too sudden. Are we going to be partners? After all this time being friends, I don't want that energy to end. Even if it means we get to start dating, I would miss the old way we used to act.

That's why I'm not talking to him about it, I'm afraid.

Afraid to lose what we have, afraid that we won't have fun anymore, and it'll just be about romance.

My head is pounding, probably from crying so much in one sitting. I sigh, wiping the streaks of liquid off my cheeks.

It's best if I get ready early, maybe play some Minecraft to distract me.

It'll be okay.


Skeppy's POV

It takes longer than I think to find my luggage. I lethargically drag it off of the conveyor.

My legs take me to the pickup area, working on their own since my mind is elsewhere.

I've sort of blocked everything out. It's like I'm not mentally present. I told the love of my life that I liked him, he basically ghosted me, and I have to live with him for two weeks.

I'd rather not feel emotions right now.

A vibration from my pocket brings me slightly back to my senses.

Bad <3
hey I can see you
I'm standing next to the blue sedan :>

Ok one sec

I turn to the left, only to see a shine of blue a few cars down. I weave through the crowds.

A relatively short man is leaning against the driver's door. He has his hands tucked in the pocket of a black hoodie. Dark blue jeans adorn his lower half, as well as shiny black docs.

As I walk closer I can see more of the details of his outfit.

A chain necklace hangs from his neck. The hoodie has a colored trim, matching the silver necklace. His docs have yellow laces tied in neat bows.

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