Chapter 2

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3rd Person

For a while now they were just standing there looking at each other wondering why the other was there until "What are you doing here?" Yena asked in annoyance all of a sudden. 

Yujin was taken aback and also hesitant in answering but decided to say "I could ask the same to you" although her tone was also showing annoyance she really wasn't annoyed, she was surprised and guilty on the inside she wanted to apologize to the older girl but she felt like apologizing out of nowhere would be inappropriate.

"Did you come back to rub in my face that you are happy with your new girlfriend?" the older asked while rolling her eyes.

"No, I didn't unnie you know that I'm not that type of person" the puppy-like girl answered.

"Then what are you doing here Ahn?" the duck-like girl asked her face nearly turning red as her blood boiled she was really angry, out of all the places they could've met again it had to be in her in the apartment complex, it annoyed her a lot.

"I live here Yena unnie" the younger stated while sighing the longer she stayed with her inside the elevator the more that memory played in her head. It was killing here in the inside out.

"She's mad at me should've expected it" she thought while looking away from the older girl.

"" Yena asked surprised a bit taken aback by her answer "Well that's just great" the older thought also looking away from the younger.

"Yeah, I do I'm still unpacking my stuff though" Yujin answered while grabbing her phone to try and ease herself from the current situation going on.

"Did I ask?" the duck-like girl deadpanned.

"Why did you listen then?" the puppy backfired.

"Ugh, you're still annoying as hell" Yena thought and sighed in frustration they were stuck in their thoughts after that choosing to stay quiet before they both heard the elevator ding making Yena get out immediately.

The younger contemplated if she should chase her unnie before deciding "Your gonna have to do it sooner or later" so she chased her unnie luckily they were heading to the same destination.

"Yena unnie" she called only to get ignored by the other girl.

She called her again earning a glare this time, she sighed calling her for the last time which she finally answered "Leave me alone Ahn I don't need you pestering me in my life anymore" Yena snapped while going into the convenience store to buy some of the food Yuri asked her to buy earlier.

"Yena unnie please just talk to me for a moment please" Yujin said as she followed her unnie into the store taking some ramen with her as well.

"LEAVE ME ALONE AHN HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO REPEAT IT FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND?!" Yena shouted grabbing the attention of the entire store.

"I just wanna talk unnie please just for a moment" Yujin pleaded. 

"Well I don't wanna so leave me alone" Yena said with a slight growl before going to the cashier to pay for the food before leaving the convenience store.

Yujin was just left there surprised she didn't know her unnie would be this mad at her, she sighed and paid for the ramen she bought before heading back into the apartment complex and into her apartment where she found her girlfriend still unpacking her stuff.

"Well took you long enough what happened did you see a friend in the convenience store?" Minju asked as she saw the taller girl get inside.

"Uh yeah apparently they live here as well" Yujin said trying to hide the fact that she just saw her ex in the elevator and even followed her inside the store just to have a talk.

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