Chapter 6

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3rd Person

Yena and Yuri were just chilling at their apartment not really knowing what to do since Yena didn't have any schedules for her workplace and Yuri didn't have work in two hours that was until Yena thought of Yujin finding out the truth between the two of them "Yuri-ah" Yena called the younger girl making Yuri turn towards her confusion written all over her face.

"What is it?" she asked as she paused the game she was playing on her switch and turning her head towards her unnie.

Yena pondered for a moment if she should tell her or not but now that Yuri's full attention was on her she felt like she had no choice but to tell her "It's just...I'm worried if Yujin will find out the truth what will happen if she does? What do you think she'll do?" the older said as she started to shiver slightly scared of what Yujin will do once she found out.

"Unnie don't be so worried, will you? First of all, why would Yujin care if we were even a thing she has a girlfriend she should focus on her, not something that's unrelated to her" Yuri explained as she turned back to her switch to continue her game.

"I'm just worried" Yena said sighing, worried was an understatement at this point she knew Yujin was curious about almost everything what if she was curious about the two of them and found out? The thought scared her to death.

"I get it" the shorter girl said before ending her game and turning off the switch not noticing the look her unnie was giving her.

"Why are you so worried anyway? It's not like Yujin is probably gonna do everything to find out we're not a thing after all" Yuri said in a matter of a fact tone.

"You have no idea Yuri-ah" Yena thought as she got up and went to her room the younger sighed and grabbed her phone to check the notification she just received.

"Yah, go shower already you stinky duck I'm gonna get going now I need to replace my friend for her shift" the hamster girl informed before opening up the front door of their apartment.

"Take care and come back as soon as it's done ok?!" Yena shouted from her room.

"Don't worry I'll be back later around 10" she informed as she closed the front door leaving the girl all alone in their apartment.

The girl only sighed and got stuck in her thoughts "Yujin wouldn't do something like that right?" she thought and shook her head so she could take a shower.

Meanwhile, with Yujin she was sitting on her bed looking up at the ceiling getting lost in her thoughts "Is Yena unnie really dating that girl?" she thought over and over tossing and turning around the bed as she was in denial of the fact that she found out her unnie was dating someone else.

She couldn't get the girl out of her mind whatsoever it confused her a bit why was she thinking about her so much in the first place? Why was she so worried about her? Why is it her when she should be worried about her girlfriend? More questions started popping up in her head and it made her even more confused, she had a girlfriend so why is she thinking so much of her ex?

"Ugh, Yena unnie get out of my head!" Yujin thought as she held onto her head that was starting to hurt from all the thinking she had done in those few minutes? Maybe even hours.

"Yujinnie~" someone called making the girl sigh in relief the thoughts had finally stopped even if it was just for a few moments.

"Hey, are you ok? I heard a loud groan" Minju said she worriedly looked at her girlfriend noticing the frustration she was having from all the thinking she had done since that day.

"I'm fine unnie" Yujin replied although it was evident in the tone she used she wasn't, it was lower than the usual cheery and playful tone she used almost all the time.

"What's wrong Yujin-ah? You seem really frustrated by something" the older girl said as she rubbed the younger's back to help her relax a bit, she didn't expect Yujin to tense up a bit when her hand came in contact with her back though which made her even more confused than she already was.

"It's just me overthinking unnie nothing much" Yujin explained as she sat back up and leaned her head on the wall.

"It looks like you have a lot on your mind though is it ok if you tell me?" Minju asked as she stared directly at the other girl pleading with her eyes to tell her already.

Yujin bit her lip and looked away from her not wanting to face her unnie for now "If I tell you you're gonna regret it unnie" she whispered.

Minju scrunched her eyebrows "Why would I regret it?" she asked trying to make the girl look at her "Is it that complicated?" Minju thought as she stared at her patiently waiting for her to answer.

Yujin shook her head and faced the wall she really didn't wanna tell her about what she was thinking "I can't tell you unnie if I did you'll get mad at me" she told.

"Yujin-ah what is on your mind? Please just tell me I promise I won't get mad no matter how bad it is" the older said trying to convince the girl to tell her but to no avail, the girl would not talk whatsoever.

Minju could only sigh before getting up "Talk to me when your ready I'll call Wonyoung to help you with this" she said before leaving the room to leave the taller girl alone.

She looked back at the closed door of Yujin's room with a sad gaze before looking away to grab her phone. She dialed Wonyoung's number and once it said ringing she bit her lip hoping Wonyoung would answer straight away.

"Hi, unnie" Wonyoung answered cheerfully once she picked up the phone.

"Hi, Wonyoung-ah how're your projects still having a hard time with them?" Minju asked as she was worried the younger might already be stressed from her projects, she didn't want to add one more thing to that.

"I just finished my last project unnie" the younger answered.

"That's good to know, no new projects?" the older asked again while grabbing the remote of the tv and fiddling with it.

"None so far why unnie is something wrong between you and Yujin unnie?" Wonyoung asked her tone quickly changing to a worried one as she didn't want anything to happen between her two unnie's.

"I'm sorry to bother you but I think she needs help with something and I can't seem to get her to talk" Minju answered hesitantly and sighed.

"Send me the address I'll be there in a few minutes" Wonyoung informed before putting the phone down Minju thanked her before ending the call and immediately went to Wonyoung's contact to send her the location.

"Hopefully whatever is happening it'll be ok soon" she thought again as she quickly grabbed her jacket and went towards the lobby so she could wait for Wonyoung there.

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