Chapter 7

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3rd Person

Wonyoung already in her last year of college was working hard to finish the last project that was given to her although some people say they could do it next time Wonyoung didn't wanna go through that stressful stage so she decided to do it while it's still early. She sighed in relief and laid down on her bed once she had finished it, she could finally relax for a bit well she thought anyways until her ringtone played.

She groaned and reached for it checking the caller id who it was before immediately pressing the green button to answer it "Wonyoung-ah hi" the person said in a soft tone making her smile and close her eyes, the tone made her so relaxed she really needed to hear it right about now since she was tired from all the things she's been doing for the past couple of weeks.

She set the phone down and put it on speaker before replying with a little "Hi, unnie" so that the girl knew she was there listening.

"How're your projects still having a hard time with them?" Minju asked curiously, she was always like this anyway checking up on the younger girl making sure that she has already taken care of herself and of course not stressing herself out.

Wonyoung couldn't help but smile even more at how caring the girl was for her she couldn't believe how lucky she was to have an unnie like her "I just finished my last project unnie" she answered while propping herself up to sit up on the bed.

"That's good to know, no new projects?" the older asked again making the taller girl shake her head before realizing they were on the phone and not face to face she facepalmed and said "None so far why unnie is something wrong between you and Yujin unnie?" Wonyoung asked, her tone quickly changed to a worried one "Maybe she found out about Yujin unnie's problem and asked me for confirmation" she thought and bit her lip scared that was the reason she called she didn't want her unnie's to be mad at each other or even fight at all she hoped it wasn't the reason and if it was they would work this out.

"I'm sorry to bother you but I think she needs help with something and I can't seem to get her to talk" Minju answered hesitantly before sighing at the other end of the line the younger girl could tell she was worried and a bit frustrated Yujin wouldn't tell her what was going on although she felt a bit of relief that Minju didn't know yet since Yujin herself hasn't even solved this little problem of hers.

"Send me the address I'll be there in a few minutes" the younger girl answered before ending the call and getting ready immediately to go to the location as soon as possible. 

When she had finished getting ready she slowly went out of the dorm making sure she locked everything and started walking to the address Minju sent her. While walking she couldn't help but get a little frustrated because Yujin made it obvious that she was having a really big problem Minju wasn't supposed to know yet but with the way she's acting, it's now suddenly revealed.

She closed her eyes and let out a frustrated breath before opening her eyes again to see the apartment complex up ahead spotting a familiar black-haired figure waiting at the entrance "Unnie" Wonyoung called making the shorter girl divert her attention towards her. Minju smiled upon seeing her and walking up to her to engulf her in a big warm hug.

Once the two had finished hugging Wonyoung let go and asked her "What happened?" the aura that was surrounding Minju earlier changed it took a 180 turn compared to the one she showed earlier it was evident that she was scared and worried and she had to make sure her girlfriend was ok.

"Yujin has a problem and I don't think she will talk to me about it so I called you" she answered before releasing the hug, the expression on Minju's face made Wonyoung pout she never thought she would see her unnie like this, frightened and worried it was such a painful sight to see.

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