Chapter 10

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3rd Person

Minju and Yujin kept talking, planning on how they could get Yena to talk to the puppy until Minju came up with an insane but also kinda great idea "Me and Yuri are kinda close so, what if I invite her to a hangout where she has to bring Yena along once they arrive I'll tell Yuri to go somewhere without Yena, you could come in and talk to her afterward just...make sure she doesn't run away again" Minju said and chuckled slightly at her last statement.

The younger scoffed and rolled her eyes "Not my fault Yena unnie is a fast runner" Yujin stated with a pout.

Minju cooed and poked the younger's cute dimples "You cute little pup" she said as she pecked her cheeks "Let's start the plan tomorrow I'll tell them to go to the park" she informed and smiled softly.

Yujin returned the smile and hugged her unnie again she was so thankful to her for doing something like this but she also felt a little bit guilty, she wasted something beautiful with her all because her feelings for Yena returned. She could only sigh and bury her head into the shorter girl's neck to hide the look she was showing on her face "Thank you unnie and I'm so sorry" she said in an apologetic tone.

Minju hugged Yujin tightly and patted her back soothingly she was aware of what she was feeling just from the tone Yujin used "Don't apologize our feelings aren't something we can control anyways I understand".

Yujin felt another wave of relief wash over her making her smile and peck Minju's cheek "Don't be a coward tomorrow ok? Fix this mess or else who knows when this will end" Minju said worriedly, the younger nodded at her for reassurance and let her go to the guest room.

"Hopefully this works" she thought and sighed, she started thinking of the many possibilities that this plan might not work and could go extremely wrong but she needed to let her mind rest for now so she immediately put the thoughts away and went into her room to sleep.

"Yuri-ah!" Yena shouted once she got inside the apartment she arrived a little later than she expected because she was hiding from Yujin to make sure that she wouldn't catch up to her on the way to the apartment complex.

While Yena was thinking of a certain puppy Yuri who was in her room about to go to sleep groaned once she heard the girl shout her name "What~" she answered annoyed.

"Yujin knows" the older informed making the entire apartment silent, Yuri couldn't believe the words that came out of her mouth was she for real?

"Yena unnie if your joking right now I will kill you" Yuri said as she got off her bed and went over to wherever the older girl was so they could talk properly and not shout at each other from across their little apartment just so they could talk about this topic.

"I'm not joking this time Yuri, Yujin actually knows and she found out all because of Wonyoung" the taller told making Yuri sigh and facepalmed as she faced Yena with an 'are you serious?' kinda look.

"Why would Wonyoung tell her though it's not like it will benefit her or anything" the shorter girl stated and sat down on the couch, she was still very sleepy but nonetheless she still tried to listen and be attentive about their current topic.

The taller girl sat down next to her and let out a frustrated sigh she wanted to bang her head on something just so she could forget everything that happened earlier "I totally forgot at the moment that Wonyoung and Yujin were childhood best friends" she explained with a pout on her face.

"Well, that explains a lot" the younger mumbled while ruffling her hair she was beginning to get frustrated because of the situation they put themselves in.

Yena groaned loudly not knowing what to do anymore, should she just pretend it never happened? Or should she face the girl and tell her the whole truth? Then again she didn't even want to face the girl at all she was too embarrassed and ashamed to face the younger girl.

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