Chapter 9

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Yujin's Point of view

I woke up to the sound of my ringtone playing really loudly so I reached out for my phone and checked it only to find out someone was calling me, I rejected the call and tried to go back to sleep until it rang again making me groan in annoyance and pick it up "What do you want?" I asked in an annoyed tone while sitting up on my bed yawning.

I heard the person on the other line scoff "Oh, so you don't want the answer to your little investigation? Ok then go back to whatever you were doing I won't tell you what she said earlier" she said obviously annoyed by my behavior.

"Yah! Wonyoung I'm sorry I just woke up from a nap you know how I am when someone wakes me up" I said in an apologetic tone hoping Wonyoung would forgive me for being grumpy just after I woke up.

I heard her giggle in the other end of the line and I can even imagine her shaking her head while doing so "This bunny" I thought while rolling my eyes.

"Apology accepted and I'm sending a screenshot to you right now" she informed, a notification popped up from my phone a few seconds after which I immediately tapped on to see the screenshot she sent me.

My eyes widened once again I couldn't believe what I was seeing she was lying to me all this time? Why? I was just so confused at this point because I couldn't understand what was going on "Yah is this real?" I asked.

"Yeah it is if you don't believe me then you can go to her apartment right now and find out" she said and ended the call.

End of Flashback

3rd Person

Yujin was looking at the older girl with a blank expression plastered on her face while Yena was stunned she couldn't move because of the fact her ex found out "How did she find out?" she thought as she tried retracing her memory to try and find out if she did anything that could be related to this until she realized something.

"I can't believe you didn't suspect Wonyoung's question" the younger said and chuckled softly she found it kind of funny how her unnie answered the question so casually as if the question was nothing but to feed the baby bunny's curiosity. 

Yena mentally facepalmed she couldn't believe herself, how could she forget the fact that Wonyoung and Yujin are childhood best friends? It was such an important detail yet she let it slip off her mind so easily. She really just wanted the ground to swallow her at this point, she was too embarrassed of herself.

She could only sigh at her own foolishness and turn away from the younger "I need to go now" she informed and quickly walked over to the exit so that she could get out of this place already.

"Yena unnie we still need to talk" Yujin told as she walked over to her trying to catch up with the girl so she could make her sit down with her and talk about that.

"I told you before I don't wanna talk and also why do you even care about that, you have a girlfriend Yujin, take care of her instead of caring about whatever is going on in my life" Yena said before leaving the cafe and running back to their apartment complex.

The younger tried to chase her but once she got out of the shop it was like she disappeared into thin air, Yena was nowhere to be seen "That unnie has always been a fast runner" she mumbled and sighed heading back inside the shop so she could grab her drink and walk back, hoping that she would catch her unnie on the way.

Seeing as there were no signs of Yena though she thought that she was already in her own apartment. She pouted because she lost the chance to talk to her all she wanted was a simple talk with her yet the girl always pushed her away because she simply didn't want to be with the younger. Yujin sighed tried to calm herself down by taking slow deep breaths until she was back to normal she could always get another chance to talk to Yena after all.

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