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3rd Person

"What are you doing here?" Yena asked while turning away from the younger girl, she was surprised to see her here, she was a little sad as well because this was the very place they broke up a year ago the memory replayed in her mind once again making her heartache but she pushed it away not wanting to show Yujin that she was hurting just because of them being here.

Yujin gulped as she saw how the girl reacted once she saw her, a pang of guilt hit her like what had happened a year ago, she shook her head times have changed she wasn't gonna be the dumb puppy who hurt Yena a year ago, she was gonna make things right this time and so she kneeled in front of the older girl who was sitting on the bench looking away, she sighed and cupped Yena's face making the duck look at her so that they could talk properly "Because I wanted to talk to you properly unnie please give me a chance to talk" she pleaded, hoping that Yena would just give her a small chance to talk.

But Yena scoffed and pulled away from her "You and Minju planned this didn't you?" she asked just from her tone you could tell that she was in so much pain. Yujin wanted to smack herself how could she hurt the girl this much.

Yujin couldn't do anything about the pain she gave her though so she let it brush aside for now and focus on their conversation "Yeah we planned this I didn't expect Yuri to be so clingy though" she mentioned and chuckled softly at how she saw the short girl cling onto Minju like a little koala.

Yena couldn't help herself but laugh a bit once she got reminded of how clingy Yuri was with Minju just a few minutes ago it made the younger smile seeing her unnie laugh again, she never realized how much she missed it until she saw it again with her own two eyes but once Yena saw the soft smile plastered on Yujin's face she immediately stopped laughing and looked away from her again. This made Yujin frown and also look away, awkward silence consumed the atmosphere neither had the strength to break the ice wall until "What did you wanna talk about?" Yena asked as a sigh left her lips.

She was facing the younger once again knowing that Yujin was one stubborn person she knew she wouldn't leave until they talked about that something Yujin desperately wanted to talk about. Yujin although a bit surprised the girl was letting her talk for once composed herself, she took in a deep breath and afterwards let out all her worries once she let it go.

A/n: the lines after this aren't mine these are my friends lines when they were being emo last year its the whole reason i created this book hehe also the lines in the prologue it was also theirs just so yk anyways lets get back to the drama

"I now regret leaving you..." the younger breathed out just enough for Yena to hear it made her shocked she couldn't believe what she just heard but then again why? Why only now did she say those words? After breaking her heart and leaving her for someone else is this really how their tragic story would go.

She looked at the younger girl, tears were welling up in her eyes as she was again reminded of the events that day, back then she was breaking up with her, now she wanted to get back together how stupid. Yena scoffed and gave her glare "Are you gonna break my heart again?" she asked her voice was filled with nothing but pain and anger that it made Yujin bite her lips, hearing such a tone from her made her even more guilty than she already was.

She had to stay strong though so they could continue this conversation, she mentally scolded herself to calm down because she still needed to say a few words that she's been keeping inside all this time "I realized how stupid I was for leaving you...".

This only agitated Yena though, the older bit her lip hard trying not to let her tears fall because if she did, she knew wouldn't be able to pull herself together "If you're here to break my heart again... Leave..I don't want to see you anymore" she said as she pushed the girl away lightly, she put all her strength into not crying that she couldn't even find enough strength to push the girl away from her completely.

"Yena I'm sorry please forgive me..." Yujin apologized while biting her lip harder this time she couldn't believe she made the girl this hurt "You stupid dog how could you do this to her?" she thought, tears were also starting to well up in her eyes, there was too much guilt traveling throughout her body that she didn't know what to do at this point.

Yena only growled as a response she was mad but still somehow felt bad for the girl, she wanted to just go back to her arms but reminding herself of that heart breaking moment that happened before made her forget everything, more oil was added to the fire burning in her body she wanted to lash out but she couldn't, she didn't want to draw attention "Forgive you...? Breaking my heart like that all of a sudden.. and now you want me to forgive you?" she said her tone was filled with mockery as if it was the biggest lie she has every heard in her entire life.

Yujin broke down then and there realizing how much she had broken the girl, she knew a simple sorry couldn't fix the damage she did to her heart and she knew asking for forgiveness was useless it was all her fault, it was all her fault because she was the one who decided to break up at the time, it was her fault because she had fallen for someone else and it was her fault for not ignoring whatever was happening to her back then. Yena gave her a pained expression and got up so she could leave the scene that they had created but she couldn't even take a step away as Yujin grabbed onto her arm tightly.

She gave her a look filled with guilt and it hurt her even more to see the younger like that "I'll do everything to get you back, please..." she said as she pulled Yena into a hug quiet whimpers and sobs escaped from her mouth. She was too guilty to look at her once again.

Yena thought about it for a few moments wondering if she should give her a second chance, she didn't wanna experience another heart break but what if Yujin was saying the truth? What if she really was gonna do everything to fix things between them? To make her happy and prove she didn't wanna lose her "... Prove it then" she mumbled smacking herself mentally after doing that even "You broke my heart but why am I still giving you a second chance?" she thought and sighed frustrated at her own self for doing such a dumb decision.

Yujin looked up at her surprised she was expecting her to answer with something harsh and painful but she didn't which made her a bit happy? Relieved? She didn't know she was just glad she gave her another chance "I'll court you again if that's what it means to get you back" she said.

"Do whatever you want then..." Yena told and rolled her eyes looking away from her to try and find Yuri and Minju so she could get away from the situation she was in.

The younger of course noticed this and pouted "I know it's gonna be hard but I also know it's gonna be worth it to make you mine again" she said as she held the girl's hands and caressed them softly the action always made Yena blush a bit until now it still did but she hid it with her anger and stayed silent.

"I really messed up..." the younger thought as she held her head down with another sigh escaping her lips.

Another silence engulfed them they were getting even more awkward every passing second, one of them had to do something to make it stop  "I'm leaving..." the duck-like girl informed as she pulled her hands away from Yujin's to get up and find Yuri already.

"No" the taller said sternly as she pulled her unnie back to sit down next to her, not wanting her to leave again, Yena got even more agitated why can't Yujin just leave her alone for once?

She glared at her again and pushed her away with more force this time "Sorry...I can't stand with someone who broke my heart..." she said sarcastically as she started to walk away.

This made Yujin panic a bit and so she kneeled down and backhugged the girl "Please give me a second chance!" she begged loudly catching the attention of some people around them but she couldn't care less.

"You'll break my heart again" Yena said as she rolled her eyes trying to pull herself away from the younger's strong grip.

In response Yujin hugged her even tighter "I won't, Yena please..." she begged once again, the older was starting to feel guilty but she doesn't want her heart to break again, she doesn't wanna experience another hurtful memory with the younger that she still loved despite everything that has happened.

She sighed and faced the taller girl to wipe her tears and give her a soft smile "Fine... But I won't forgive you if you break my heart again" she said engulfing Yujin into a hug that she has been longing for, for an entire year.

They both felt relief wash over them for Yena getting to hug Yujin like this again she was so happy she missed this feeling so much. As for Yujin, she was overjoyed Yena gave her another chance to fix things and she wasn't gonna waste it, she was gonna make things right this time.

I wrote this while my school had problems showing the exams anyways WOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH SOULMATES HAS FINALLY ENDED SORRY FOR THE OPEN ENDING HEHE BUT I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED THIS BOOK YENA AND YUJIN YOUR BOOK IS COMPLETE AT LAST!!! Anyways i will be publishing you're mine once i'm done with the cover and chaps then afterwards i'll either publish mine and my mystery friends collab or unexpected so stay tuned :3 THATS ALL ILY AND STAY SAFE ALWAYS <333

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