Chapter 4

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3rd Person

The three of them were absolutely shocked by the words that left Yuri's mouth and it kept replaying in their heads like a broken tape "I'm Jo Yuri, Yena unnie's girlfriend, Yena unnie's girlfriend" it hurt Yujin a lot and I mean A LOT but she decided to ignore the pain she was happy for her but she couldn't help but feel a slight sting in her heart.

"Wah I can't believe this" the youngest of the three said while putting on a bright smile anyone could tell by her tone that she was a bit sad about this fact she just found out heck even Yuri could tell the only person who couldn't was the one and only Choi Yena as she was still in a daze why would Yuri say such a lie anyway?

"Yeah we just got together a week ago and I saw you pestering her so I decided to step in" Yuri said in an annoyed tone before wrapping her arm around the older girl's waist, why woud Yujin even need to talk to Yena in the first place they already ended things right? Why talk about something that's already over?

Yena who was still in shock just stared at the shortest girl in shock before staring at Yujin she realized she had been in a daze for quite awhile now so she composed herself and told the younger in a reassuring tone "Yuri-ah I can handle myself you didn't need to step in like that you know".

"I know but I don't want anyone bothering you like this you know?" the shortest told showing a pout towards her unnie, the older once again caught off guard by the sudden cuteness that her hamster friend was showing but decided to try and hide it to quickly escape this situation.

"Ok, ok whatever you say Yujin we gotta go now and I'll talk to you when I want to ok? Goodbye" Yena said as she wrapped her arm around Yuri reciprocating the action she did early before leaving the store, she sighed in relief once she saw that the puppy was no longer in sight and decided to stay quiet for now she knew Yuri was gonna ask a lot of questions later on.

Meanwhile, the tallest was left dumbfounded not believing the scene that she had just witnessed she didn't realize she was lost in her thoughts until "Yujinnie~" someone called all of a sudden making her quickly compose herself, she grabbed the game she bought before following the voice that called her.

"Minju unnie~" Yujin said before showing the older a soft smile as she wrapped her arms around Minju.

"Hey what took you so long?" the older asked confused she had been waiting for her for a few minutes now until she decided to go inside the store and check on her as she started to worry, lucky she found the taller girl straight away.

"Ah, sorry it was just hard to find it within all the other games don't worry so much" the younger told as she pecked her unnie's cheek to reassure her.

"Hm ok if you say so" the shorter girl said as she wrapped her arm around her girlfriend and walked out of the store proceeding to head into another one.

Meanwhile, Yuri was pulling her unnie into a secluded area as she couldn't handle the silence anymore, once she did this she made sure no one was listening and dropped the bags she was holding before asking the duck-like girl in a frustrated tone "Is she following you or something? How on earth is she also in the mall?!".

"I don't know, why would I know anyway? This is getting creepy" Yena told arching her brow and shuddering at the words Yuri said the younger had a girlfriend to take care of after all so why follow your ex.

The both of them were engulfed in silence once again as Yuri was still confused and a bit panicky while Yena seemed to be calm about the situation before a question suddenly popped up in her head "Hey Yuri I have a question" Yena informed earning a confused gaze from the younger.

"What was with those words you said earlier in the store?" she continued her attention was focused on only the girl in front of her, she wanted answers why on earth would she say that in the first place? Couldn't she have just told her she was just a friend to Yujin or just a close friend? Why just why? So many questions kept popping up inside her head and she really wanted answers right now.

"I don't know I just thought of it all of a sudden and then I just said it so she would shut up" Yuri answered truthfully.

"You said it...without a valid reason?" Yena said hesitantly now starting to panic this just made things a lot harder than they already were first of all Yena and Yuri were just close friends and they even have proof of that in their social media accounts so if Yujin were to search about them she'd knew straight a way that they were lying.

"I'm sorry I just said it" the younger apologized guilty about the fact she said it without her unnie's permission.

"Hey it's ok don't apologize I get it" the duck said reassuringly.

"But still I shouldn't have said that really I'm so sorry" the other apologized over and over.

"Hey, I told you it's ok don't worry" Yena said patting the younger girl's back to calm her down and try get her to stop apologizing already.

"Do you still have something to buy?" the older continued.

"No, I think I'm good" Yuri told quickly picking up the bags she dropped earlier before heading to the exit of the mall.

~At the dorm~

"Unnie are you ok?" Yuri asked once the front door of their dorm closed.

"Yeah, I'm ok don't worry" Yena told plopping down onto the couch before grabbing the remote and turning on the tv so she could watch something.

"Are you sure?" Yuri asked again she was really worried at this point she wasn't really sure if her unnie was ok her words and tone said yes she was fine but her actions said otherwise until finally, Yena sat up properly and slammed the remote on the table where it previously was before.

"Well now that you've pushed it no I'm not, what you said put us in grave danger you know?" Yena told slightly annoyed while glaring at her friend.

"Look I said I was sorry I still am, I said it without thinking of the consequences I'm sorry" Yuri said as she stared at her with pleading eyes.

"Whatever you say but we gotta pretend now you know because of what you said" the older girl informed grabbing the remote again and proceeding to go to Netflix to watch her favorite anime at the moment.

Back with Yujin and Minju they already arrived at the younger girl's apartment dropping the bags in a certain area before Minju threw herself onto the couch and proceeded to grab the controller and turn on the console "Unnie I'm gonna go and sleep ok? You should probably go home instead of staying over again" Yujin informed not even giving the other girl the chance to reply as she headed into her room already.

She was feeling tired and a bit sleepy but her mind was running she couldn't stop thinking about those words that left Yuri's mouth earlier "I'm Jo Yuri, Yena unnie's girlfriend...Yena unnie's girlfriend" her heart stung again hearing them.

She was confused about her feelings at the moment but decided to sleep on it for now "What's wrong with me?" she thought before drifting off into dreamland.

Sorry late update hehe I had to re edit this alot but hope you guys like it anyways i gotta go yEeT adios ily all stay safe

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