Chapter 8

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3rd Person

Weeks had passed by since that day, during those weeks Yujin still continued her investigation on whether Yena and Yuri were actually together. She sighed another day had gone by and she still hadn't confirmed her investigation, it's not like she could do much though since she had such limited information she couldn't exactly pinpoint what they really were and because of this she had to go to her last resort which was telling her friends to ask her. She really didn't want to ask them but she didn't have much of a choice, she had to find out the truth sooner or later so she grabbed her phone and asked a certain group of people if they could ask her.

Hey guys?

Eomma Orenji:
Yes yujin?

Cake lover:
Yo whats up

Nothing much just wanted to ask has Yena unnie said anything to any of you?

Ssamu Time~:
No she hasn't been talking to most of us since shes been busy trying to find a new job add the fact shes always with her new friend

New friend who might that be?

Cake lover:
A girl named Jo Yuri

Eomma Orenji:
Why are you asking anyways?

Just curious can you ask her if shes single if thats ok with you all

Giant baby:
I'll ask in the other gc since you're so curious you puppy

Thank you bunny

Ssamu Time~:
Can someone pls explain why yujin wants to know if yena is single i thought they were gfs

Giant baby:
They broke up a year ago now

Eomma Orenji:

Ssamu Time:
For real?!

I gotta go i need to take care of minju unnie now bye

After she asked her friends, she got off her phone and went to Minju who was sitting down on the couch watching a movie called Alive "Unnie" she called receiving a hum from the girl whose attention was still focused on the tv.

"What you watching?" the younger asked as she sat down next to her and hugged the girl tightly.

"A movie called alive" the older replied as she returned the hug and pecked the taller girl's cheek, Yujin of course smiled at this and turned to focus on the screen so she could watch as well only to get blocked by Minju's hand.

"Why are you blocking me?" she asked with a pout on her face.

"It's too violent you shouldn't watch something like this" the older answered and pulled her away from the tv making her pout even more.

Yujin thrashed around and kept whining "Unnie~ I'm not a kid" lots of times but Minju just sighed and let her be she couldn't let Yujin see those kinda stuff at such a young age after all.

"Go to your room and watch something else or play a game inside the gaming room" Minju stated as she kept on her attention onto the screen not minding the whines and complaints coming from the younger girl.

"Hmph fine" Yujin sulked and went inside her room to take a nap.

As this was happening Yena was in her apartment scrolling through the group chat she was in. Her eyebrows rose and she tilted her head confused from what Wonyoung was saying, she had suddenly asked if anyone in the group chat was single, was she looking for someone? Or was she asking this question for someone else? She had no idea she was just really confused by the sudden question.

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