Chapter 3

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Yujin's Point of view

I woke up to someone calling me softly "Yujinnie" the person said making me groan and throw the sheets over my head.

"Yujin-ah get up" she said slightly shaking me this time.

"I don't wanna" I told before slowly drifting off into a half-asleep state.

"I won't give you your morning kiss if you keep being like that" she said making me bolt off of the bed and into the bathroom immediately to wash up.

"Gosh, this girl I'm gonna tease her for ruining my beauty sleep" I thought while grabbing my towel to dry my face.

"Yujin I already prepared breakfast for us ok? I'll be waiting so go shower now and get ready were going out" Minju unnie said.

"Ne unnie, where are we going?" I asked before locking the door and taking off my clothes.

"To the mall now get ready!" she shouted out cutely making me chuckle.

"This cute frog" I thought as I hopped into the shower.

~At the mall~

"Unnie you are too excited right now" I stated while she pulled me inside the first store she saw.

"What there's a sale ok I didn't wanna miss this chance plus I heard that the game you wanted is included in that sale" she explained in a tempting tone "This frog really knows how to tempt me" I thought shaking my head slightly.

"Ok, ok fine whatever you want" I said and chuckled letting her pull me wherever she wanted me to.

As we kept roaming around the mall we kept passing by my favorite store making me pout every time I looked at it "You really wanna buy it don't you?" she asked making me nod a slight pout still evident on my face.

"Ok, ok you can go in" Minju unnie said while chuckling.

"Thank you unnie" I said with a bright smile before pecking her lips.

"I mean I've been wanting to buy it for you and try it out anyways" she said shyly while looking away.

"Really? Well then let's go!" I said cheerfully before pulling her inside the store.

"I'll be ok waiting outside I needed to go to the bathroom anyways" she said.

"Oh ok take care unnie I'll just grab it and pay for it real quick ok?" I said before pecking her cheek and running inside the store to find the game real quick.

As I was walking through the aisles of games I tried finding the one I wanted (just think of the game you want) I was getting impatient I needed to find it quickly so that I can go to Minju unnie. 

Once I found the game I immediately reached out for it only to feel someone else's hand "Uhm I think I touched this first maam" the person said making me curse in my mind "Fuck I'm dead" I recognized the voice all too well I didn't want to but I had to face her again.

"I am so dead" I thought while biting my lip.

"Yujin?" she said in a surprised tone.

Yena's Point of view

"Yena unnie!" someone said disrupting my beauty sleep.

"What?" I groaned out trying to get the person to back off.

"Get up will you, you promised yesterday remember" she said.

"Yuri-ah can't we go another time?" I asked.

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