Chapter 1

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~One year later~

3rd Person

It's been an entire year since the incident Yujin has been living happily with her girlfriend throughout the year but nothing could take away the slight guilt she was feeling in her heart.

"Hey Yujin" someone called all of a sudden making the younger look behind her only to find her girlfriend looking at her with a worried expression.

"Oh Minju unnie do you need something?" the taller asked as she tapped the space beside her. The older immediately sat beside her girlfriend and pecked her cheek "Is something wrong? I noticed you were spacing out a lot" she said and pouted.

"How is she so cute?" Yujin thought and smiled pecking her unnie's cheek and grinning to reassure her.

"I'm ok don't worry unnie just tired I guess from all the unpacking" she reassured and buried her face into her girlfriend's neck inhaling the older girl's scent to relax her nerves a bit.

"Whatever you say then" the frog-like girl said as she got up and went over to a few boxes nearby to check the stuff inside and also see where she could place them for now.

"Everything for my bedroom is ok now right? We only need to unpack the stuff for the living room and gaming room" Yujin said.

"You and your games seriously" Minju teased while chuckling as she moved the current box that she checked to Yujin's so-called gaming room.

"It's not my fault I love games" Yujin backfired as she laid her head back onto the couch as if becoming one with it. (A/n: am i the only one who remembered Yoongi lmao-)

"Aish let's just watch some movies for now shall we?" Minju suggested making the younger nod and open her arms widely, the older chuckled and sat on her lap giving her a peck on the cheek while grabbing the remote to turn on the tv and scroll through Netflix.

"So what do you wanna watch?" The younger asked while holding onto the older girl's waist tightly so she wouldn't leave.

"Whatever you want" the frog-like girl replied as she returned the gesture hugging the puppy-like girl tightly.

"Fine Tokyo ghoul it is then whatever that is" Yujin declared as she clicked the button for the anime to start.

Meanwhile, Yena and Yuri were in their shared apartment Yuri had sold hers and moved in with Yena so she didn't have to walk for so long just to see the older girl. They were currently in their living room playing games and just having fun.

"You lost Yena unnie gimme your forehead" Yuri exclaimed in excitement.

"Aish your too good at board games" the older complained pouting in the process.

"Not my fault anyways come here" Yuri beckoned the older rolled her eyes but obliged leaning closer to Yuri and closing her eyes to finally get this over with but something unexpected happened.

The older felt a pair of lips on her forehead instead of a flick, she opened her eyes surprised from the unexpected contact "What was that for?" The older asked surprised.

"I didn't wanna hurt you so I did that instead" the hamster-like girl answered and chuckled softly as she noticed that the duck-like girls face slowly turned red.

"Cute" she thought as the older girl looked away from her.

"I'm tired of playing let's continue Tokyo Ghoul" Yena said as she grabbed the remote quickly going onto Netflix.

"You really love that violent show" the hamster-like said while chuckling and sitting beside her unnie.

"Of course the violent stuff aside, it has a great story" Yena stated as she played the final season.

The 4 of them were just watching peacefully in their own apartments not minding what's going on in the outside world until "Yena yah can you go buy some food for us?" Yuri said as she gave the older girl some money.

"Fine whatever you want" the older said before getting up to grab her jacket, phone and keys.

She sighed as she went to the elevator waiting for the ding so she could get inside already and when it finally did she got inside. As she was waiting she couldn't help but feel something strange like something was coming but she didn't know what it was.

She just shook the thoughts of and went inside the elevator. She was all alone inside waiting for it to reach the ground floor until it stopped on the 3rd floor someone else came inside making Yena move away from the person and closer to the buttons and entrance of the elevator not minding who the tall girl was that was until she accidentally stole a glance at her "Shoot" she thought and sighed hoping for the elevator to reach the ground floor already.

"Yujin-ah you chose such a violent series" the older complained a bit traumatized by what she saw.

"How was I supposed to know it was that violent?" The younger asked as she hugged her girlfriend tightly to get those thoughts of the movie out of her head.

"I'm not watching any more cause of that oh and Yujin can you buy some food from the store nearby?" Minju asked as she got up and went to the boxes earlier taking out the stuff that was inside and placing them neatly where it needed to be.

"Sure what do you want?" Yujin replied while grabbing her wallet.

"Anything is fine with me" the older answered.

"I'll just buy some ramen then" Yujin informed as she grabbed her hoodie and her keys which were hanging at the key holder they put next to the door. As she got out of the apartment she put on her hoodie and pressed the button for the elevator to stop on her floor.

As she was waiting for the elevator to arrive on the third floor she couldn't help but think of a certain someone "What would happen if we met again? Would she be mad at me?" She thought and sighed as she heard the ding signaling that the elevator had already arrived.

As she got inside she found another girl inside so she moved away from the girl and patiently waited for the elevator to reach the lobby.

As she was waiting she heard a sigh come from the girl with her making her steal a glance only then did she recognize who she was "Shoot" she thought as she felt the atmosphere inside the elevator grow intense.

"Out of all the places we could've seen each other it had to be at where I live" they both thought as they looked at anywhere but each other.


YOUR AUTHOR-NIM IS BACK FROM HER HIATUS ATLAST AFTER 982638236 YEARS LMAO- Anyways yes i have edited the book how is it so far? And what do you think is gonna happen to yenjin👀👀👀 anywats THATS ALL FOR NOW ADIOS I LOVE YOU ALL STAY SAFE!!!

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