Chapter 5

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3rd Person

Two weeks have passed ever since that incident, Yujin being the curious puppy she was, noticed that Yena and Yuri have suddenly started uploaded about a lot of things together "Now I'm really convinced that their not a thing" she thought as she got up to go to the balcony to think of a few things for a moment.

"Why am I so paranoid about this though? It's not like I'd care afterward right?" she thought again sighing at the fact she has wasted so much time trying to find out when she could've just gone on with her life, but no, she decided to be stuck up with this little investigation of hers. 

"I don't want her having a girlfriend though" she whispers to herself before groaning and landing face-first onto her pillow she was frustrated with how stuck up she was with this.

"I should be happy for her not like this ugh Ahn Yujin your dumb sometimes" she says to herself and sighs hitting her head with her own hand to try and wake herself up from her own stupidity but to no avail.

"Maybe we shouldn't have gotten involved in each other's lives anymore then I wouldn't be this confused about my thoughts" she thought as she got up and grabbed her phone to dial someone, not even a minute had passed and the person had already picked up.

"Hello?" the person said confusedly.

"Hello Wonnie?" Yujin said her voice hoarse and her tone was a bit lower than usual making the younger girl on the line worry.

"Yujin unnie? Is there something wrong?" Wonyoung asked as her tone quickly changed into a worried one, she's never heard her unnie like this so she pondered what was wrong with her.

"Actually yeah something is wrong, is it ok if we meet up?" the older girl asked.

"Sure at the usual cafe?" the younger told while grabbing some clothes she could wear from her closet the older sighed in relief at this and nodded.

Realizing that it was just a phone call she shook her head at herself before saying "Ok be there in 30 minutes" she ended the call before heading to the closet to quickly grab some appealing clothes she could wear.

~At the cafe~

"Yujin unnie!" Wonyoung called from a corner of the cafe the two giants' usual spot.

"Hey Wonnie it's been awhile" Yujin said smiling at the bunny-like girl softly.

"Yeah, finally on my last year of college and it is stressful" Wonyoung said as she chuckled and sat down on the chair across her unnie.

"Anyways what did you wanna talk about?" she continued as she sipped on the chocolate frappe she bought for herself.

"Uhm you know how I broke up with Yena unnie for someone else right?" the puppy-like girl started hesitantly receiving a nod from the younger.

"I thought we were over that?" the younger said now confused why bring up this topic again?

"Recently Yena unnie got a girlfriend" Yujin said making Wonyoung even more confused why would her unnie care about that anyway? Hasn't she moved on? "And I've also been really paranoid just by the thought of it and it's like I don't Yena unnie to have a girlfriend" she continued, just by those words Wonyoung already knew what was wrong.

"Your paranoid by the person who 'claims' to be Yena unnie's 'girlfriend', you don't want her having a girlfriend, what else? You wanna find out the truth if their really a thing?" Wonyoung asked surprising the older a bit because that was exactly what she was about to say.

"That's exactly what I wanna know" Yujin told "How did she know what I was gonna say?" she thought before shaking the thoughts off her head.

"Ahn Yujin you haven't moved on from her" Wonyoung told bluntly before once again sipping on her drink.

"What do you mean you think that I haven't moved on? Do you think I still like her and want her?" Yujin asked confused, Wonyoung facepalmed before nodding.

"That's why I said you didn't move on" Wonyoung says annoyed "At this point, I'm not surprised by how dumb Yujin can be" she thought.

"I doubt what your saying is true" the shorter girl said in disbelief.

"Then don't believe it sooner or later you'll find out what's happening anyway" the taller girl said rolling her eyes.

"Hey don't roll your eyes on me I'm your unnie" Yujin scolded.

"Yeah, yeah ok whatever" Wonyoung told as she finished her drink and got up.

"Anyways I have some work to do so I gotta go home sorry" she continued while fixing her things.

"I'll drop you off then" Yujin informed as she followed the younger girl who was already outside of the cafe.

"Unnie you didn't have to you know?" Wonyoung told as she kept walking in the direction she came from.

"I wanna plus you helped in some type of way anyways it's the least I could do" Yujin informed as she wrapped her arm around the younger girl's shoulders.

"Ok fine whatever floats your boat" Wonyoung said sighing as she leaned her head on her unnie's shoulder.

"What are you gonna do once you've confirmed if they're dating or not?" the younger asked.

"I don't know honestly" Yujin answered as she pouted all this was too much for her at the moment.

"Whatever your heart tells you to do, do it as long as it's the best decision for everyone you can do it" the taller girl told smiling softly.

"Thanks, you're the best you know?" Yujin said while hugging the bunny-like girl and pecking her forehead.

Wonyoung, of course, hugged back before pulling away to tell the older as they had already arrived at their destination "I'm not but thanks anyways you should head home to your girl now".

"Ok, thanks for the advice I'll see you when your less busy I guess" Yujin said before jogging away from her best friend to head back to her apartment complex.

"I hope you find the answer you wanna find soon" the younger thought as she waved to her unnie before heading back inside her dorm.

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