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3rd Person

"For the last time, I love you Choi Yena" Yujin said as she looked at the person she once loved, they were currently at the park sitting on their favorite spot talking about a very deep topic.

"It's painful to say I love you" Yena said and looked back at the girl with tears welling up in her eyes the sight made Yujin's heart clench for she was the cause of this.

"Because...I'm leaving you..." the younger trailed off and sighed looking off into the distance as she couldn't look at the other girl anymore.

"Now our happy memories that I love are now painful" Yena said as tears started falling and was unable to stop them from flowing down onto her beautiful face.

"I hate you for leaving me but I still love you even though you hurt me" she continued hugging the younger girl in the process.

The younger patted her head and whispered to her unnie's ear "Find someone better than me" afterwards she let go of the hug to get up and leave.

But she stopped once Yena said "How can I? When you're the only one I love" she felt really guilty but it was better like this it was better than forcing it when she knew she didn't love her anymore.

"But I broke your heart" Yujin mumbled softly but it was loud enough for Yena to hear making the older stand up to give her ex lover a back hug.

"You broke my heart...but I still love you..." she mumbled on her back.

"I have to admit though you gave me so much to remember" Yujin said with a sad smile displayed.

"I gave you my all but I didn't expect you to throw it away in the end" Yena said and bit her lip restraining herself from crying even more than she already is.

The younger turned back to her unnie and wiped her tears away then kissed her forehead one last time "I'm sorry for once being the cause of your smile but now being the reason of your thousand tears" she said while staring at her straight in the eyes.

Of course the other girl stared back getting lost in the other girls eyes "Now whenever I'll think of you it'll hurt..." Yena said taking in a deep breath to try and calm herself down so she wouldn't show herself breaking all over again.

"I love you so much...but it sucks you aren't mine anymore" she said looking down on the ground and kicking a few pebbles she saw infront of her.

Yujin patted her head trying to cheer her up even though she knew it wouldn't work "Just act like you never met me" she said making the other scoff after everything she was just gonna tell her to forget her?

"I can't even act when I loved you so much" Yena said while looking up and pouting, the youngers heart ached she never wanted to do this anyways but it seemed like her heart didn't want to listen to her.

"But I broke your heart into pieces..." she replier and looked away.

"I'm sorry for loving you in the first place" she added, she was guilty, really guilty right now, she herself couldn't believe she put her unnie in such a situation like this.

After a few moments they pulled away looking at anything but each other until Yena looked at her, her eyes showing something else other than sadness now, it showed her anger and confusion and for the first timen Yujin cowered slightly as Yena started to speak "I wished I didn't love you..." then punched the other girls shoulder, she couldn't complain anyways it was her fault after all so she just let her be.

"You're too precious for me to forget" Yena added, as much as she wanted to show a strong image she couldn't, it was too much for her to keep in.

"I guess love can really be cruel
Was it just destiny to meet and end it?
In that case I wish we didn't meet" they both thought.

"Guess were just gonna go back to being strangers" Yujin said still looking away from her.

Yena sighed and proceeded to turn away from the younger before she could take a step she sighed and said to her "Goodbye" walking away from the scene afterwards.

"Goodbye, Choi Yena" Yujin whispered also walking away.

Yena immediately ran home and cried her heart out she couldn't believe what just happened, the scene was playing over and over in her head, no matter how much she tried to forget it she couldn't, the love of her life just ended everything in the span of a few minutes "I HATE YOU AHN YUJIN! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" Yena screamed and cried harder if that was even possible at this point.

It caught the attention of her neighbor a person named Jo Yuri curious from all the noise she decided to knock on the door and waited for it to be opened, Yena heard the knock on her door making her wipe her tears and fake a smile as she thought it might be her big brother or her friends so she got up and opened the door revealing someone else she wasn't expecting whatsoever "Uhm hi my name is Jo Yuri I live next door and heard a lot of noise from here, is there something wrong?" Yuri asked.

The older was in a daze she was contemplating whether to shut the door on her or invite her inside and tell her, the second one seemed to be the most appropriate choice for her so she invited the younger girl inside, offered something to drink and then she started talking about what happened.

Meanwhile, Yujin was with her girlfriend Minju, the scene also replaying in her head, they were out on a date but the guilt she felt didn't go unnoticeable to her girlfriend "Is there something wrong Yujinnie?" Minju asked snapping the younger girl out of her thoughts.

"No there's nothing wrong unnie" she said and put on the brightest smile she could show to her, surprisingly Minju was convinced with it.

"Ok then I'm gonna go to the bathroom for a moment" she said and smiled back and left her to go to the bathroom real quick.

She was left alone in the booth she reserved for them both with her thoughts the scene earlier playing again making her sigh "I'm sorry Yena unnie, please find someone better than me" she thought.


ANYWAYS how was it??? was it good cuz i hope so, hope you guys like this book and support it like my other 2 books anyways imma go now and give them the link GOODBYE AU REVIOUR ADIOUS SARANGHAEYO/AISHITERU/MAHAL KO KAYO/I LOVE YOU ALL!!! <333 yena yujin sorry if this is bad T^T

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