The Sound of Film is Heard

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Jisoo POV
What a day... i had to do dance practicing, recording a song for The Album, plus shooting for CF. I feel like i could fall asleep immediatly like a cow but here i am, sitting at the dinner table at our dorm, drink a glass of coffee milk.

"Unnie, you're here!!!" Rose came from the doorway, smiling

'Chaeyoung-ah! Have you eaten? I bring some chicken. I also bought some fruits, eat it ok don't hestitate'

"Unnie.... V Oppa must be be so lucky to have you in his life" she said makes me raised my eyebrows bit cause i don't understand what she's talking about

'Park Chaeyoung, stop talking nonsense. Eat!" I insisted

"He's so in love with you Unnie! Don't you see it?"

My phone ringtone stopped me from answering Chaeyoung's question, it was Tae. My one and only Tae, i'm smiling like an idiot while picking up the phone,

J: hellooo lohaaa alohaa lololaholaaa
V: hahaha i miss you
J: i miss you too but there's Chaeyoung here so i couldn't say it
C: hello V Oppa! Unnie! You literally said it

She said while laughing

V: hiii Rose-shi! Say hello to her babe. I'm at the basement on your dorm btw
J: you what????

Kim taehyung, a man full of surprise

V: you hear me, babe. Come pleaseee i miss you
J: you crazy, isn't you busy with BE preparation?
V: come hereee please i need you

He said that words just like my nephew, my baby nephew.

As i arrived at his car, he hugged me immediately like he dont want to let me go. I couldn't stop smiling, watching him smiling at me like crazy guy, hug me, and stroking my hair. And God... he's so handsome. I mean.. he's Kim Taehyung, he always looks good, that's why i have crush on him since Skool Luv Affair era (yes i have to admit it). But this night.... he's wearing simple white tshirt, smiling at me like an angel.

"Nyongan, Kim Jisoo. I miss you soooo muchhhhh" he said while pinch my cheeks

'I miss you too, i miss you always.' I said, touching his face 'why are you here Tae? I'm worried, you must be very tired'

"All the tiredness, all the bad days, even the baddest day of bad day would gone everytime i see my best girl, Kim Jisoo" he said raising his eyebrows makes him more even cute

We just did our thing, talking nonsense in the car, hours for hours. Sometimes i'm afraid if there's any camera following us. But T always calm me down. I remember our conversation not a long time ago...

V: i hate it you know
J: what?
V: why do we have to be sorry to have feelings?
J: what are you talking about T....
V: yeah when celebrities get caught they usually said sorry for making scandal. I mean.. we're all human, we have feelings and i don't see any point why we have to be sorry
J: yeah.. that's how our world works
V: i am happy you know?
J: happy?
V: i am happy to have this feeling towards you. This is one of the most beautiful thing that ever happened in my life. I don't want to be sorry for that feeling. I'm happy, no need to be sorry at all.

V: the only reason why i don't want to show you to the public because i'm thinking about you. I don't want you to get hate comments. If i could.. if i could Kim Jisoo, i would make a big announcement that you're mine, making the entire guy in this country wants to be me.

As i am smiling, remembering that moment while stroking V's hair when he's lying on my shoulder (yes he's a baby, i said it before he's like my nephew, Minsung), my manager called me and told me that i got a lead female role for a series called Snowdrop.

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