I Still Hope the Door is Open

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It's been 5 days since i came back from military service. I spent my day with my family. I ate a lot of kimbap that my mom made for me. Today is the time to meet my brothers, Bangtan. Jimin and Jungkook still in military service so there are only me, Jin Hyung, Namjoon Hyung, Yoongi Hyung, and Ho-seok Hyung

I can't wait to get back to studio.. making some music. There's a lot of lyrics that i write when i did military service.

"KIM. TAEHYUNG. IN. THE. AREAAAA" Jin hyung started his joke like he always did

Everybody was on a silent mode. Suga looked at Jin hyung with his straight face.

"Ya.. Kim Taehyung??? You still not over her?? I told you to focus in there!!! Why are you still upset huh???" Jin hyung said to me

"This guy isn't help you at all right? Hyung don't be insensitive!" Namjoon said

"Talk to her Tae" suga said, making everyone look at him "you are still looking for an answer.. whether that 3 years being together means something to her or not. You are still hoping that you could turn back the time and not saying that words to her. You are still hoping if only you gave her a chance to talk to you after that night. Go talk to her. Unless you want to live like this forever"

"Ya Min Yoongi! She has a boyfriend don't you see??? The only right thing to do now is finding a girl for Taehyung. Why don't you try to make a move with YG new girl group?? Who's her name.. the visual..."

'Stop it guys.. i'm totally fine right now. I don't need anything but making a music with my Hyung' i grinned

"Liar" Jhope said

Yeah maybe Jhope was right. I'm a liar. I'm not fine. I still wondering why on earth i have to made that decision. Why on earth i leave her in the park alone. Why why and why.....

And Jin Hyung was completely wrong.. trust me i tried one hundred times to find a girl. They might be beautiful, they might be sweet, they might be smart, but they're not her...

On the road to home, i listened to Beautiful Life, one of her favorite song, Goblin ost...

It's a beautiful life
beautiful day
I never felt like this, it's crazy

Every moment spent with you stays in my heart
Never fading, even though we're space and time apart
Memories of you
It keeps my heart beating

Sorrowful life
Sorrowful day
I cannot take all this sadness without you

As i listened to that lyrics.. i realized that i have to do the right thing unless i will regret it forever. I texted someone,

V: Jennie, this is V. Can we talk for a moment?

I checked my phone once in a minute to see if Jennie reply to my text. Nothing. Nothing until 3 hours later i saw her name on my screen,

Jen: V Oppa? Kim Taehyung of BTS...?

V: is there any other V that you know?

Jen: just a little surprise here hearing from you again after a long time..

V: can you help me Jen?

Jen: it has something to do with Jisoo Unnie, right?

V: yeah.. if you don't mind

Jen: let me call you

She called me as soon as she said that,

V: hello Jen, how's life?

Jen: let's go straight to the point, Oppa. Why do you need my help?

V: i want your help to persuade her..

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