I Want You Back

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I took her to one of our memorable place... it's been 2 years since the last time i went here to be honest. It's the park that i used to visit for years.. it's the park that we share our story for the first time. Somewhere in some remote area in Seoul, just like old days, she couldn't hold herself from smiling

"Whoa... Taehyung...... it's been a long time since the last time i'm here.. beautiful..." yes, beautiful, J. Just like you.

'There's a lot of flower in here.. Spring is coming' i smiled

"Huuh.. i love Spring, i love April. But still.. trees is the best" she said then i looked at her smiling..

I wonder if she's tired with my never ending smile. But seriously, i couldn't stop to smile when i'm being with her. It never change. Her presence always bring joy to me, i don't even know why. Maybe because her bright personality, her kindess, her never ending jokes, or maybe just because she's Kim Jisoo.. Kim Jisoo who always been in my heart.

"Tae...." she called me


"I'm sorry.. i think i overreacted last time... i shouldn't be mad just because you're asking me that question"

'No.. no need to be sorry.. i deserved it' i said as she looked at me and smile

"How about you Tae?"


"Girlfriend.. do you have.. one?" She asked awkwardly, that question was unexpected

'Haha.. why you ask?'

"Uhm? No.. no.. haha forget about it" she sounds nervous and i laughed a little because of it

'Uhm a girlfriend...' i pretend to count with my fingers

"Daebak... i knew it.. you're Kim Taehyung, every women in the world would love to be your girlfriend right"

'Haha i'm kidding, J. I never been in a serious relationship after we break up' i stated the fact

"Ha ha ha like i'm going to believe in you"

'No i'm serious.. one day, i met a girl.. she looks like you, but i made a mistake' i turned my gaze to her

"Huh? Me? What about me?" She asked confused "what mistake?"

'Huum.. in the end.. i realized she's not you, so i'm stop looking for it for a while until now'

She didn't answer it. She just looked at me right in the eye. I could feel the tense between us but none of us dare to talk about it. Around 10 seconds later, she turned her gaze to the scenery in the park.

"It's a bit cold Tae, can we go inside?"

I nodded then we walked again to my car.

"Tae! Where's my gift?" She asked while drinking her coffee uyu in the passenger sit. I really miss this moment, talking endlessly about our life, just the two of us, under the beautiful night sky..

'Haha you remember about it huh?'

"You didn't have it, don't you??? You just pretend you have a gift for me because you want me to come with you, right??" She smirked. God that smirked... no one.. no one could do it like her. I even miss that smirk from her what the hell is wrong with me

'Here is for you Ms. Kim Jisoo.' I said as i gave her a CD. 'Listen to it after this. I wrote it when i was in military service.'

She just nodded, didn't say a word.

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