I Still Wonder Wonder Beautiful Story

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1 months later

Jisoo POV
After Hae-in Oppa left, i decided to booked a whole Amanpulo Resort, a private resort in Palawan Island in Southeast Asia for 2 weeks. I turned off all my gadget, i asked my company personally to hold my schedule for 2 weeks. Now i'm back at Seoul, coming back to home..

On the island, i think a lot about myself. What do i want, what do i need, what do i miss when i'm alone like this...

And from that self isolation i realized one thing.. Taehyung always been here in my heart and my mind. He never actually left. Everytime i saw the wave from the ocean, i remember about him. His smile, his laugh, his bad but adorable jokes... our moment, our first met, how i'm worried about him, how i miss him when he's not around.

The moment i spent with him is actually the best moment in my life. I always want to go back to that moment but i chose to run.. i chose to run as fast as possible cause i though there's no hope for us.

Everytime we went to the same event, i always though of Adele song,

Everybody here is watching you, cause you feel like home you like a dream come true

You have no idea how i want to say hi to him, to talk to him, to have a moment with him. But i never did that... then i chose to run again until i met Hae-in Oppa. I though i found a love, i though *this guy always be here for me, that should be enough right?*

But love is not something you can easily find. It's not like your favorite snack which you can easily find in your favorite store. Love is a rare thing, you might only find it once in your life (if you're lucky). And once you find it, you might not be able to replace it.

And the moment i saw him again after a long years... that is the moment i realized that i might not going to fall in love again. Taehyung is one of a kind, i might never ever find a man like him again in my life. But i'm too afraid to made a decision... i have no courage just like what i did 6 years again to Taehyung.

Now, in front of his recording studio, i stood up to tell him everything. To tell him that i miss him, to tell him that i always, always love him.. and apologize to not tell this earlier to him. I've known from Namjoon Oppa that he had recording schedule today. I waited in the chair accross the doorway. Not a long after that, i could see him who is talking to Jin Oppa. He carried a bag, a hat, and his cardigan in his hand. Jin Oppa saw me first,

"Jisoo-shi....." Jin oppa said, startled to see me

Then Taehyung turned hiz gaze to me. Our eyes locked. He just stood up in his position, being speechless..

"I'll leave you two here.. byebye Taehyung-ah.." jin oppa said "Jisoo.. byebye..."

Even we're not that close, i could see very clearly that he hold his tears. He dropped all his stuff to the ground, he approached me, he looked at my face, tucked my hair behind my ears...

Then after a long time being separated.. he hugged me tightly, he hugged me like there's no tomorrow...

"Where have you been? Why you didn't answer my message and call? I though i'm losing you again..." he said that words softly to my ears

"I'm sorry to hug you like this.. i'm afraid this is going to be our last hug.."

'Keep holding me like this, Tae' i said briefly. I seriously need that hug more than anything in this world

Taehyung POV

"Keep holding me like this, Tae" am i misheard????

It must be a dream right? If it's a dream.. please don't wake me up, dear God.

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