Under The Umbrella You Gave Me

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It has been a quite months for both of us. Neither jisoo nor I visited each other in our place. Both of our company didn't allow us to see each other. I couldn't count how much i said i miss you to her. Today is saturday night.. i have planned to visit her in her place. I couldn't hold it anymore.. i miss her so much.

I arrived at apartement door.. i confused should i just open the door or should i rang a bell first. Then i decided to go inside anyway.. i remember jisoo once said,

J: hey no need to ring a bell, just go in

V: what if there's your mom inside?

J: then why, Taehyung? You're my boyfriend not some random guy from the club

I am smiling remember about that moment. As i opened the door i am surpised to see Lisa, Jennie, and Rose in the living room. We startled to see each other

'Hi... guys... sorry i didn't know if you were here. I shouldn't come this night.. sorry really' i said to them, awkwardly

"Yo V oppa why are you like talking to Mrs. Kim.. wazzup bro wazzup" Lisa said to me then the rest of us laughed beacuse her silly little move

"Come on V Oppa.. we're just a guest in here, you're the host don't be like that" Jennie said, as she raised her eyebrows to teasing me

'Haha honestly i'm here to give a surprise visit for Jisoo but i'm the one who got that surprise. Is Jisoo in her room?' I asked 'i will go to her for a moment then i will get her back to you guys promise, won't be long"

"She's not here V Oppa.." rose said

'Huh? What do you mean? She's outside? In this cold night?" I asked 'oh.. must be going for some chicken right with manager oppa?'

"Night jogging.. that's what she said" Lisa told me

What... jogging? Since when...

'Wait.. what? Jogging? Kim Jisoo? My girlfriend?' I gasped

"Hahah even V Oppa couldn't believe it! Didn't she tell you? Everytime we asked her what she's been doing she said she just finished doing a little excercise.. unbelievable" rose explained the situation

No. Jisoo never told me about her excercise routine and now i'm wondering why

'Is she alone? Where's manager hyung? Isn't it dangerous outside??? It's very cold.. i will go to find her bye.." as i'm about to finish jennie interrupted me

"She's 26 years old, Oppa.. she will be here soon. Besides.. she personally said to us she wants to be alone so i don't think it's a good idea to bumped into her right now. Let her spend her time with herself for a while" Jennie said and i'm about 60% sure she knows something about Jisoo

"Just sit here with us bro.. come on come on" i laughed. Lisa's words always makes me feel less awkward

I've never been like this with the other members before. I never talked to them alone, Jisoo always be my side. Besides.. unlike Jisoo, i'm not a very sociable person so.. i couldn't more thankful cause Jisoo got a friend like Lisa so i could feel less awkward when i sorrounded by them. I talked to each of them personally of course but not with this formation when i have to deal with the three of them in one moment

'So what should i do to be the 5th of BP member? Should i dance to Boombayah first?' I said to them jokingly which make them laugh

"Anyway i promised to Jisoo Unie to makes some honey crumb for her. Anyone want to join me to the kitchen? Lisa, V Oppa, Unnie?" Rose asked us

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