The Dawn Passes

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"What? What did you say? Treat people better? You mean when you met another girl without even telling me?"

What did she said? Meeting another girl....? I stood up confused by her words, didn't say a word..

"What's with that face? I've known you for 3 years Tae, don't try to lie on me"

'I don't understand about your words.. what do you mean?'

"See? Even if i asked you like this.. you still don't want to tell me? Last friday afternoon, where are you? This is your last chance" she asked me

I truly didn't understand about her words. Where am i? Friday.. friday... there's no schedule in the past 2 weeks, i only spent my time alone looking for some new building for..... damn. That friday night i met one of property agent to survey in several locations. But there's no way i could tell her about it..

"Go" she said, asking while opening the doorway. I closed it again trying to touch her hand but she pulled it off.. again..

"You better go right now before i told the three of them about this and make a fuss in here. U should thank me, i haven't told them yet so you could had fun with them like that right? Laughing like nothing happen?" I've never seen Jisoo like this before..

"I know that face. You're surprised because i know you were with a girl in apartement building. Sangjanim was right.. you're not so different from any other man. I regreted everything Tae, i trusted you. Stupid me"

Gosh. She's misunderstood everything and how could she trusted that man words???? I couldn't believe her

'What?? What did you say? What did that man say to you??? And what? You regret what?? Our relationship? You trusted me really? Look at you now you even trust your boss more than me!!'

"Wow you don't even clarify anything about that friday afternoon.. you attacking me trying to blame me for trusting sangjanim while you're in apartement building with someone.. without even telling me.. and you asked me to trust you even in this condition? You're unbelievable Kim Taehyung. Go. I ask you to go. Please"

She looked so pissed.. i couldn't say a word i'm speechlees and my head is also full of emotion, i couldn't believe that she trusted that man more than me.

"How many girls Tae? How many girls in the past 3 years? You asked me to not getting too close to every man in this industry but look at you!"

'Stop Jisoo..'

"I don't want to see you" she said briefly turned away her gaze i could tell that she holding up herself for crying

'Ok.. ok.. let's calm our self down. Let's talk when when we're ready' i offered trying to be as calm as possible

"Again..." she said with a deep tone "i don't want to see you again. Let's not see each other again"

I'm silent for a moment. I couldn't believe what i just heard. It hurts.. really hurts...

I truly love her from the bottom of my heart. That moment when i first met her in Inkigayo, that moment when we kissed in the basement, our MC-ing moment together, her laugh, her silly behaviour... everything. I remember about everything. I've never prepare myself to hear this words come from her mouth..

Hearing that words feels like she doesn't love me the way i love her.

I couldn't even move.. she looked at me with her teary eyes... i hate it, i hate myself for being such a coward to not say anything to her.. she then left.. she left her badroom while wipping her face

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