Blue and Grey

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Both my head and my heart hurt a lot.... i didn't sleep well since that night. I asked Bangtan to gave me some hiatus moment for a week cause i'm not ready yet to face them.. i'm not ready yet to pretend to be okay. Not like her.. she seems fine from what i seen on her recent schedule.

I lowkey want her to run to me that night.. just like what i did to her. But she didn't do it... she didn't even talk to me after that night. Not a call... not even a text which makes me believe that this is what she want from the beginning.

I kept questioning the meaning of our relationship.. is she love me? Is she truly mean it when she said she love me? She used to be the one who could turn my blue and grey down.. but now.. she's the one who gave it to me.

A lot of things remind me of her.. how could i live without her? God Kim Taehyung, you're so misarable right now..

Every details of this apartment is reminding me of her. The kitchen where she used to cooked meals for me, the living room where we used to binge-watching together, my bedroom... everything happen in here.

I opened at my groupchat..

Jimin: when will you backkk miss you bro

Jin: little bro it just a girl.. not a big deal, she will call you later trust me you're the 2nd worlwide handsome don't worry about it

Jk: it's not just a girl, hyung.. we're talking about Kim Jisoo.. Miss Korea, nation visual

RM: you're not really helping kookie, you better not to say anything

V: i will be there this evening

After replied to them, someone rang my apartement bell. It might be her.... no one except Bangtan, my family, and Blackpink had been to my apartment. I prepared myself to the possibilty of seeing her again. I open the doorway,

"Anyeonghaseo, V-shi..." her manager bowed down to me

'Hyung.. hi.. Jisoo isn't here' i talked, in case he's looking for Jisoo like what he always did back then

"Sorry for not texting you earlier, i've known from your manager that you're here so i decided to go straight here" he said "yes i know she's isn't here..."

'It's okay hyung.. no need to be sorry. So why are you here?'

"Jisoo asked me to bring out her personal stuff from your apartement.. i don't know if she already told you or not. She just wants her several clothes and her doll.. and she also told me that she left some of her accessories here. If you think it's too much i will come back later after you ask someone to wrapped it for you"

His explanation made me dizzy. Why didn't she told me about this? Why didn't she talked to me? And she even wanted to bring her stuff out from here which is make me more sure about my thought that maybe she never loved me the way i love her

Is this all a joke to you Kim Jisoo? Is that time when you said you want me to continue sending you a food truck in the future also a joke to you?

Jisoo POV

I'm so busy these day and even i'm not i kept myself busy doing anything. I didn't sleep well cause i couldn't stop thinking about Taehyung. I miss him.. so much.. the idea of calling and texting him is always here on my mind but i decided not to do it cause it could make things worse right?

If i think again about that night, he seems very serious about his words. He didn't even look back to check on me after he said it which make me thinking that this is the best decision for us.

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