I'll Become a Star and Shine on You

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Taehyung POV

'Taehyung.. hi....' she said my name after 6 years. God damn 6 years. This is the first time i seen her again as a person since.. idk how many years. After break up, i avoided everything about her. Even if we're at the same event, i tried to ignore her presence as much as i can.

And now she's in front of me looking so damn beautiful with his simple white shirt and blue jeans. And her hair color.. damn it Kim Jisoo... that burnette long hair falls perfectly. My heart were about to explode right now.. i never been like this thru anyone. I don't know what this woman do to me.

We were looking at each other until i started the conversation,

'Hi... it's nice to see you again' i said still could not believe that she's in front of me right now

"I've heard from Jennie..." she said "you can talk now i'm listening"

I really can't stop looking at her.. i'm at the point that i don't care if i have to lower all my pride. Just the fact that i could see her again after a long time is so amusing to me. I was mesmerized by her beauty.. if only i could hug this little woman

"Taehyung?" She said, making me wake up from my dream. Please Kim Jisoo, stop calling my name. It kills me.. really...

'Uhmm sorry..' i said awkwardly 'you want to talk here? In Jennie's house? There's a lot of things i want to talk about. I just think we haven't talk properly since that day.. if you available, i want you to come with me'

She just looked at me without saying a single words. I don't care if she refuse to come with me.. i'm not afraid of any possibilities right now.

'Sorry if i'm making you uncomfotable or whatsoever, i just want to make things right.. i don't want to live forever not knowing whether you're still hate me or not..' i said

"Taehyung.. i never hate you. Don't say that" She said "let me take my bag and tell them first"

I'm not dreaming right? The fact that she's the one who's opening the door for me is more than enough.. to be able to see her again, to be able to heard her calling my name again. But now she's agree with my idea.. this feeling.. it's the same like i asked her to go out with me in 2018. It's been nearly 10 years since that night but my feeling when i look at her never change.. not even a bit.

Jisoo POV
I already regretting my decision to agree to come with him. What the hell am i thinking? What if the media find us? Should i tell Hae-in Oppa first or not?? And the most important thing is... what i'm gonna do with him? Will i able to talk after a long time? What should i say to him?

"Unnie.. you done? You ok Unnie?" Lisa asked as i came to them from the doorway

'I have to go guys.. mianhae i can't join you'all today. I will treat all of you next time.' I said as i grab my bag

"What? Go where? With who?" Jennie asked

'I'm going with him just for a while. I will let you guys know after that ok. Sorry once again i didn't mean to yell last time' i said as the three of them gasped, couldn't believe that i'll go with Taehyung

"I want to see him first, i want to tell him don't do anything to my unnie" Jennie said, she's ready to walk to the doorway then i stopped her

'Stop jendeuk, there's no need. It won't be long, i'll let you know if i finish' i said 'and... if Hae-in Oppa called you guys, just don't answer it. I will tell him later about today'

They just nodded, still confusing about my decision to come with Taehyung


I'm in Taehyung's car right now, sitting in the passenger sit like old days. I looked at him slowly and without realizing it, i smiled because of it. I hope he didn't notice..

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