Feel The Warmth Next To Me

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"Did you see the news, Hyung?" Jungkook went to my room at the morning while i'm doing a little excercise.

I'm staying at the dorm right now due our tight schedule for BE promotion and stuff. Yeah.. in fact i only stay at my own apartement if i'm with Jisoo. It's been a while since i met her. She's been busy with The Album promotion, her upcoming drama, her upcoming online concert and such.. i miss her so much. We just talked every night via video call, talking about our day.

'What news?'

"I saw on the news this morning Snowdrop filming discontinued due to COVID-19. I read one of their cast positive. Keep calm ok, just check on her"

I immediatly grab my phone after Jungkook said that. God.. please protect Jisoo. I called her but there's no answer, i panicked, i went to the living room to find my car keys, finding Jin, RM, and Jimin sat on the sofa. She always did this, didn't tell me earlier if she's sick or in worst condition or something bad happen to her because she said she didn't want to makes me worried.

"Hey hey where are you going? Easy V.. easy" Jin tried to make me calm

'I'm going to her place.. i'm worried. She didn't answer my call' i answered

"V, sit for a while. You haven't eat breakfast right? Eat first, then you can go. I will help you to call one of her member to ask about her condition. Keep calm" Namjoon said

'I'm not hungry, i have to go ok?'

"Did you call her members? Or her mom? At least try to contact any other person before you drive.. it's dangerous to drive in that condition" Jimin said while i nodded. I'm so panicked i don't even think about calling her family or her members

V: hello Rose-shi. Sorry to call you like this, is Jisoo with you right now at the dorm? Is she okay?
R: hi V oppa... unfortunately she's not at the dorm right now. I also worried about her condition but our manager just called us that she's perfectly fine in her parents house right now, she didn't do any contact to the cast that confirmed to be positive.
V: thanks God.. she didn't answering my call. Thank you so much Rose-shi, i owe you big time.

'Rose said she's okay, we have to shoot at 2 p.m am i right? Can i go first right now Hyung? I will go back on time' I said to Namjoon

"Yeah, take care. Say hi to Jisoo"

As i'm about to go, my phone ringing. There she is. My angel, my Kim Jisoo that makes me nearly died this morning.

V: where are you? Why you didn't answering my phone? Are you okay right now? Where are you?
J: whoa.. easy babe. I'm ok don't worry about me. Sorry i just seen the news. You called me for 32 times... I'm at mom's houseee, have you eaten Tae? Don't forget to eat
V: i'm worried about you. I will be there in a minute ok
J: what? Aren't you busy with your tight schedule? There's no need V.. i'm perfectly fine
V: i'm going right now, see you

I met Jisoo's family several times before. So it's not a big deal for me to go to her parents house. The first opportunity to met Jisoo's family is when her brother held a celebration for her daughter, Hayul for turning 100th days in January 2020. I was so nervous back then even Jisoo said that i looked like a robot when i'm on my way to her brother place. But it went pretty well. Her dad is hillarious so i could keep talking to him, her mom is really nice so do her sister. Her brother is very cool, we talked a lot about video games and south korean national team. He's totally the man version of Jisoo haha. Ever since that day, Jisoo always bring me to meet her family if we had any chance. I even went to her house once when Jisoo was not there, i played chess with his father and eat together, just me, her mom, and her father.

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