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"Kim Jisoooooo" Taehyung called his wife from the doorway, looking through the living room "honey? I'm home. I bring Som Tum from your favorite thailand restaurant." Still no answer. Taehyung walked to the kitchen, still no sign of his wife and his children. He walked to his room, still nothing. When he tried to grab his phone..

"Boo!" Jisoo, Kim Hana, and Kim Han-bin shocked him out, coming from the back of the sofa in their family room

"What the.... what are you guys doing? I'm scared."

"Hahahhahahaha you should see your face." Jisoo said, teasing him

"Did mom tell you to do this?" Taehyung talked to Hana and Han-bin

Kim Hana is their older daughter. 5 years old little girl with her mother's love-shaped lips. She just chuckled to his father. On the other hand, Jisoo and Taehyung have Kim Han-bin, 3 years old litte boy with his father's beautiful eyes. He looks like his father, from head to toe. He chuckled, just like his sister.

"Oooh i see. Triple act, huh? Han-bin, i'm not letting you go!" Taehyung looked after him, trying to get him, put him in his body, tickled his little boy. Han-bin's laugh heard throughout the room. "Oooo Miss Hana, don't be too confident. I'll get you too!" Taehyung grab his daughter's little body, kissed her in her forehead, and tickled her body. Just like Han-bin, Hana couldn't do anything but laugh.

Jisoo smiled to them. She loves it, everytime Taehyung do something silly with their little children. Sometimes she just watched them, to enjoy and appreciate the opportunity to see her children grown up in Taehyung's hand. Taehyung is a gift from God, yes she must admit it. He's a good father, a very loving father and husband. Jimin was right, he's a warm-hearted man who will put his family first in every condition.

"You Kim Jisoo, stop starring at us. I'll come to you.." Taehyung pulled his wife's body to his chest, hug her tightly then he tickles her.

"Stop it Tae!!!!" Jisoo laughed "Hana-ah, Han-bin, come on follow me, brush your teeth, and daddy will tell you a story in bed" Jisoo winked to her husband

"Ok mommy" they answered her cheerfuly

1 hour later

"Hey... are they sleep?" Jisoo asked her husband who come from the doorway

"Like a baby..." Taehyung smiled to his wife "well, speaking about baby, let's make another one. Shall we?"

"You wish" Jisoo laughed at him

"Oh please, don't smile at me like that. I can't handle it. You're too adorable." Taehyung teased his wife while he lying next to her

"Oh really?" Jisoo climbed his body, stroked his beautiful black hair, and gave him a gentle kiss on his lips.

"Oh my God Kim Jisoo, stop it. You..." Jisoo moved her lips to his neck, that's why he stop talking.

"Sssst shut up" Jisoo teased

"Mommyyyy" Hana's voice from outside stop them. She knocked their room while calling her mommy. Jisoo and Taehyung laughed silently at each other because of this little interuption. Jisoo's opened her door, seeing her two beautiful children in front of her.

"Honey heyy.. what's up?" Jisoo's stroked their hair

"I'm scared, mommy." Hana's face seems worry

"Ci wake me up, ci cims so scaled." Han-bin struggling to talk to his mom

"Come in, tell me what's going on, you having a bad dream, huh?" Jisoo took their hands, they nods to her

"Guys, what's going on? Come here you two, daddy will tell you another story." Taehyung asked them while they climb over their parents bed.

"I was dreaming about mommy. I saw mommy has been eaten by the monster. I'm scared. I don't want to lose you." Hana's hug her mommy tightly, put her little hand around her waist

"Sweetheart, mommy's here. It just a bad dream, sometimes stuff like that happen in your sleep. But it doesn't mean anything, i'm still here with you. Ok?" Jisoo smiled to her, kiss her little head

"Let me tell you something Hana. Your mom is a strong girl, a very strong girl, she will never let monster eat her. And i'm pretty sure the monster will scared if he meet her." Taehyung jokingly said

"Ha ha. Very funny, Mr. Kim Taehyung." Jisoo said

"Ha ha. Vely funny, Daddy." Han-bin was mimicking his mom. The rest of them were laughing at him.

"Can we sleep in here, mommy? Just for one night... i'm too scared." Hana was begging to her "I don't want to leave Han-bin in the room because i'm scared the monster would look after him."

"Come here sweetheart" Jisoo took Hana and Han-bin's body so they can lay in her bed. She put the blanket to them, kissing their forehead and sleep next to them "Daddy will sing you a lullaby" Taehyung put his body down on the bed, turned his gaze to his wife and rise his eyebrows

"Yeayy" Han-bin's yelled happily, Jisoo laughed at Taehyung's reaction.

"Ok.... this is one of your mom favorite song. Other than Winter Bear, daddy loves to sing this to her as a lullaby when we're still being a girlfriend and boyfriend and she always sleep after that." He looked at his wife

All around me is your light
With you
Everything so shines
How come we'll leave all behind
'Cause your love is falling
On my heart
And I'm falling for you
Falling with broken wings again

Hush now my angel
I will always be with you
In your pretty smile
In a glow of tears
Out across the frosty night
I'll be there with you

Jisoo smiled to him while they watching their children falling asleep.

"Are you trying to seduce me over a song?" She murmured to him, trying not to wake Hana and Han-bin

"What? You are the one who ask me to sing, Mrs. Kim Taehyung."

"I'll never do it again." She teased him

"I know you disappointed because you know.. we can't do it right now. Interrupted by the kids when you really want to devour me, i can feel ya"

"Shut up, you fussy." Jisoo laughed while Hana sighed in the middle of her sleep

"Husssh.." Jisoo stroked her daughter hair, looking at her husband "enough for tonight. Let's go sleep, Mr. Taehyung."

"Good night, Kim Jisoo." Taehyung kissed Jisoo's forehead "I love you. I always do"

Jisoo pretend to snore,

"Yaaaa!!! Don't you love me anymore?"

"Hahhaha i can't believe i have to spend the rest of my life with this pabo" Jisoo said

"I love love love youuu, Kim Taehyung. Good night." Jisoo said, kissing her husband cheeks

----------------------THE END---------------------

It's time to say a real good byeeee

Bye bye i'm going to miss you'alll!!! 😭💜

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