Spring Crocus

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Jisoo POV
Christmas without you would just not be christmas at all

I love you

J: Tae... what a beautiful song. I'm so proud of you. So proud'

I said to him in video call after he made me listen to his newest song that will be released tomorrow. Honestly i've known about this project long before ago but this is my first time listening to the full version of this song

V: That's my early birthday present for you hehe

J: Me? Isn't it for everyone? I mean that beautiful song is telling a story about how to get stronger together by loving each other in this very hard situation, right?

V: You're a major part of this song, listen again. You will know.

J: you always did this to me... why? Do i deserve this Tae? First scenery and now this?

V: there's always a part of you in my songs that i created even it's just a small part. But with snowflower, i think about you when i wrote the lyrics. And scenery.. you heard it.. that song is for you

J: Tae...

V: yes?

J: i just wanna say that i'm very happy and grateful to have you as my partner, to be able to share anything to you, to be able to talk to you like this. I just want you to know anything happen in the future, you'll always have a special place in my heart. Always.

V: why are you saying that? What will happen in the future? You wanna break up with me?

J: no... i don't know i'm just thinking about how if we never met. Maybe you're with somebody else right now.. it just.. you're the first person that i dated since i debuted with blackpink.

V: i'm not going to fall in love if i didn't meet you at the first place. Why are you thinking like that, J? It sounds like you looking for something else right now, am i not enough?

Taehyung seems so pissed  after listening to my words. I didn't mean to start the fight i'm just trying to tell him about my concern in this relationship. After almost 2 years with him, i'm scared. I'm scared about the future, i'm scared the possibility that he might fall in love with someone else.. i'm not in my best condition right now due to my crazy schedule. Filming and practicing for the show, commercial shoot, events, and such. Besides, i have to put a lot energy to bring my character in Snowdrop, Young Cho to live. I took a lot of efforts for it.

J: you're more than enough, T. Don't start ok

V: what do you mean don't start? You're the one who started this. I began this conversation by telling you that i made a song for you but in the other hand, you're trying to imagine if there's no me in your future.. think about your words, Kim Jisoo.

J: why can't you just listen to what i'm saying without being defensive? I'm not doing it, Taehyung.. you are the one who make that assumption.

V: oh come on? Don't put this on me. My mom sent you some food to your apartement btw for Christmas. Text her if you receive it. She said thank you for the gifts btw.

J: I will, your mom is so kind to me. She even sent me a sandwich to Snowdrop location. Will you come here soon? You haven't sleep here in my place

I bought a new apartment recently. I think it's the right time for me have one. Of course i still went to the dorm sometimes even there's only me and Chaeyoung since Jennie and Lisa decided to move out.

V: i can't, i'm busy

J: are you mad at me because of this?

V: i need to think about what you just saying... it hurts, J. It's like you telling me that you're not happy right now and you're looking for another possibility with someone else in the future. It hurts if you love and need someone that much but turns out the other person have a doubt on you

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