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✦✦✦✦ Han Solo ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Han Solo ✦✦✦✦

"Uncle Han?"

Han spins around blaster getting trained on the girl and a smile takes over his face, "Bo?"


She smiles breathing a sigh of relief and holsters her new weapon as she wraps her arm around him, Chewie growls behind them, pushing Han out of the way and taking his favourite niece, and only niece, into a hug.

"Yeah, yeah, I missed you too."

"It's okay guys," She says lifting the panel, "We're good."

She holds her hand out helping Finn and then Rey out of the hole, "Where's the pilot?"
"I'm the pilot, and this is my co-pilot." Sar'ika gestures to Rey who stares back at them with a smile.


"Don't look too shocked, I learnt from the best after all."

"I hope you don't mean your mother."

"I meant you." She says crossing her arms over her chest.

Han smirks raising his brows, Chewie looks around and mutters something scaring Finn, "No, it's true, we're the only ones on board."

"You understand that thing?"

"And 'that thing' can understand you." Sar'ika says.

"So watch it." Han orders.

Chewie drops the grate back into pace when BB-8 is finally out of it, rolling beside Sar'ika's feet. The droid stays close to her, nudging her every so often for her to pat his head or reassure him that she is still there.

"Where'd you get tis ship?"

"Niima Outpost."

Han looks to Sar'ika who nods her head, "Jakku? That junkyard?"

"Thank you!" Finn exclaims and looks back at Rey, "Junkyard."

Han turns to look at Chewie over his shoulder, "Told you we should have double-checked the Western Reaches," Chewie growls at him in disbelief and Sar'ika shakes her head chuckling quietly, "Who had it? Ducain?"

"We stole it from Unkar Plutt. He stole it from the Irving Boys, who stole it from Ducain."

"Who stole it from me!" Han exclaims, "Well, you tell him that Han Solo just stole back the Millennium Falcon, for good."

Rey's mouth drops open in shock, "This is the Millennium Falcon? You're Han Solo?"

"I used to be."

"Han Solo, the Rebellion General?"

"No, the smuggler." Rey says.

"Wasn't he a war hero?" Finn asks.

Sar'ika smirks, "General, smuggler, all round scruffy looking nerf herder."

Han grumbles something as he walks past and ruffles her hair making her swat away his hand, "You've got your mother's snark, I'll give you that."

"This is the ship that made the Kessel Run in fourteen parsecs?"

"Twelve." The pair correct at the same time, Han giving her an approving nod to which she smiles back.

They follow him into the cockpit where he looks over the controls, "Hey! Some moof-milker put a compressor on the ignition line."

Sar'ika nods her head as she kneels in front of BB-8 to fix his antenna, "Unkar Platt did. I thought it was a mistake too, puts too much pressure on..."

"Stress of the hyper drive." Both Rey and Han say at the same time.

Sar'ika smirks slightly which drops when she hears Han's next words, "Chewie, throw them in a pod. We'll drop them at the nearest inhabited planet."

"You can't-" He walks away and she chases after them, "Uncle Han, you can't do that, we need your help."

"Tough luck, Bo."

"Han, please." She grabs his arm tugging on his sleeve to stop him, "My partner just risked his life to get this information for the resistance, he died and I'm barley holding it together right now, if I don't get his droid back to Leia..."

She stares up at him and Han sighs, "He's carrying a map to Luke Skywalker," Finn adds quickly, "You are the Han Solo that fought in the Rebellion. You knew him."

Han looks from Sar'ika who is still holding onto his jacket, to Finn and nods his head once, "Yeah, I knew him. I knew Luke."

There's a loud thud and they all look around, "Don't tell me a Rathar's gotten loose."

"Rathar? You're transporting Rathar's?" Sar'ika asks, before she begins arguing back and forth with Chewie about supposed to be keeping Han out of trouble.

"I don't care if he's stubborn, you're a Wookie, rip his arms off." She shouts back as she follows Chewie out of the ship.

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