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"Dank Farrik! Dameron!"

Poe's head sticks into the cockpit looking to where Sar'ika lays, "I swear if you bring another pathetic life form onto this ship I will grab my sabre and shove it so far up-"

"A pathetic life form? What?"

Sar'ika stands, pointing to the baby loth cat currently sat on her shoulder.

"You love it."

She says nothing, knowing he's right, "One more time, Dameron."

"Aw come on, look at that face."

She raises a brow at him, the Loth cat burying himself in her hood, she walks right past him with the creature, allowing Chewie to take over piloting for a while.

She sits opposite where Finn and Rey are sat, Poe squeezing his way in but stopping once the Loth cat takes his place, "Good boy."

She smirks up at Poe who rolls his eyes picking up the cat and dropping it onto her lap, "Bet you regret getting him now don't you, Fly Boy."

"About as much as I regret letting you join, Mando."

"Oh, please, we all know that if I wasn't around you'd have thrown yourself into the great big void that is space from boredom by now."

Rolling his eyes he flicks her ear, "And we all know you'd never part with-"

"My ship?"

"Our ship."

Scoffing she rolls her eyes and turns on the game in front of her to see what the final score before she wondered away was, "You lost again, Dameron?"

"Don't say anything."

"I didn't say anything."

"You were thinking it."

"I didn't say anything."


Sar'ika can't sleep, that's why she finds herself wandering to the cockpit to stare into the drift of hyperspace, checking for any messages from her father and sighs when there's none.

Despite his dislike for droids he took R3 with him on his adventures wherever it is he's going.

Wrapping her arms around herself, stares into space, watching the stars passing, something she and her parents would do as kids.

A pair of arms wrap around her waist and she smiles resting her head back against Poe's shoulder, "What are you thinking about?"

"Freedom." She smiles

He drops his head, placing a small kiss on her shoulder, "Freedom?"

"Freedom from responsibility and the galaxy." She sighs in content, entwining their hands that rest in front of her.

"Come back to bed."

She nods her head, allowing him to lead her to their room on the Falcon where the pair fall asleep wrapped in each other's warmth, legs tangled, heads buried in hair and hearts whole.

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