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✦✦✦✦ Rough Landing ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Rough Landing ✦✦✦✦

"We're going to have a rough landing!" Poe calls back.

Just as he had predicted the landing is very rough, they all clamber out of the ship and Sar'ika looks up at it with her hands on her hips.

"My ship!"

"Our ship." Poe comments subconsciously as he lifts R3 out of the ship and sets him on the ground.

Sar'ika turns to him and opens her mouth, wanting to just talk to him since she didn't get a chance on the ship but Rey walks through them, "This way."

Pursing her lips she jogs to catch up with Rey as Finn hangs back with Poe, BB-8 and D-O stay close to Sar'ika as R3, Chewie and C3-PO slowly follow the group.

"You okay?" Rey asks sensing her friend's trouble.

Sar'ika just absentmindedly nods her head, her gaze on her feet, D-O tilts his head to the side, "Sad...sad."

"Sar'ika, you can tell me anything, you know that right?"

The girl sighs, casting a quick glance over her shoulder to see Finn and Poe in deep conversation, "Poe said it."

"Sad what...oh."

Rey grabs her hand giving it a squeeze, "And... do you?"


She has to think for a moment, she's never thought of these feelings she has, with the Resistance and everything that has been going on she's barely had time to recognise the flutter she feels in her stomach whenever he is near.

And that flutter is soon replaced with a boiling rage when he opens his mouth, yet even after arguing for most of the day, she was willing to jump in front of that blaster shot if needed.

She was willing to die for him, if she got there in time or if Hux hadn't of interrupted she definitely would have stood in front of him, arms spread open wide to protect him.

But that's not love, is it?

That's respect, right?

But then she thinks of her parents, how her mother got herself killed by her own nephew just to protect her father.

She looks back to Rey and opens her mouth but Rey's gaze widens as they stop on the cliff's edge.

There before them is the Death Star.




She and Rey say.

Finn and Poe raise a brow at the girls sudden exclaim and they too stop to stare at the large ship, the waves crash against the side, mist spraying over them.

"What... what is that?" D-O asks looking to BB-8.

"It's the Death Star." Rey answers.

"A bad place," Sar'ika sighs, "From an old war."

She tilts her head as she looks at, truly looks at it, she can feel the pain and the evil seeping through the air towards them.

"I don't like this."

"It's gonna take us years to find what we're looking for." Poe complains.

Sar'ika rolls her eyes, "Force." She says waving her and Rey's linked hands for the two men to see.

Rey searches her bag suddenly and Sar'ika lets their hands fall back to their sides, "What'cha doin' there?"

"Only this blade tells." Rey mutters.

Sar'ika smiles shaking her head, "I'm glad you're here Rey."

Rey digs out the dagger and examines it before pulling on the side, a small curve with a red arrow on the end being revealed.

She lifts it lining it up perfectly as Sar'ika moves to stand before her, "Bingo, bitch."

Sar'ika can feel Poe standing behind her, she tenses slightly but Rey speaks bringing her out of it, "The way finder's there."

"How do we get across?" Sar'ika asks nervously glancing at the water.

It's not that she's afraid of water, or drowning, it's that theses waves are reminding her of deadly storms, now that is something she's afraid of... the only thing if that.

People ride in behind them on large beats, everyone turns, Finn and Poe raising weapons as Rey and Sar'ika stand behind them, "Rough landing."

"I've seen worse."

"I've seen better."

Sar'ika smirks slightly as her remark, biting her lip to keep the smile back, she steps forward setting a hand on Poe's arm to lower the blaster.

He moves his arm away as if her touch burned him making her frown before clearing her throat, "Are you Resistance?" The lead woman asks.

"That depends." Poe bites back.

"Yes." Sar'ika says stepping in front of him as he mumbles her name out in warning, "We're Resistance and the survival of us rests on something we need that's inside that Death Star."

"We picked up a transmission form someone named Babu Frik." The woman tells them.

C3-PO chuckles slightly as he looks around, "Babu Frik? Oh, he's one of my oldest friends."

"He said you'd come. He said you were the last hope."

"We have to get to that wreck, there's something inside there that we need."

The woman nods her head, "I can take you there by water."

Finn scoffs, "Have you seen the water?"

"Not now. Too dangerous. We can go first light tomorrow."

Both Rey and Sar'ika shake their heads, "We can't wait that long."

"We don't have the time."

Poe turns, meeting Rey's eye, "Or the choice. Let's get that ship fixed. Do you have any spare parts?"

"Some, I'm Janna."


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