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✦✦✦✦ Rescue ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Rescue ✦✦✦✦

"Threepio, move your metal ass, we're almost there."

The droid who is tightly holding Sar'ika's hand looks at him, "How dare you, we've only just met!"

"We'll explain everything, Goldie, just keep going." Sar'ika sighs tugging on his arm to get him to follow, he has wondered away several times in the short distance of the workshop they were in.


They stops as Zorii holds something up to Poe, the pair converse and Sar'ika tilts her head trying to hear them, "We have to go," Rey calls for him, "Now!"

Poe looks back to Zorii who nods at him, glancing at Sar'ika who is arguing with Threepio Poe sighs an then looks back to the golden helmeted woman, "Come with us?"

"Poe." She shakes her head.

Poe sighs, he turns on his heel helping Sar'ika in grabbing the golden droid and dragging him towards the ship.

"We got a plan?" Poe asks, looking to the General.

She nods, "Use the Medallion your girlfriend just gave us, sneak on the ship, get Chewie, sneak off the ship."

"What about the millions of First Order soldiers?"

"Yeah that's why we sneak."

Poe just stares at her as he blinks and she looks up at him raising one of her brows, sighing he shakes his head, "I-I got nothing, I got nothing."


"Clear for entrance into hangar 12."

"Hang on, Chewie," Rey says under her breath as she grabs Sar'ika's hand squeezing it, "We're coming."

"Whoever this Chewie person is, this is madness!"

"Threepio, Chewie is one of your oldest friends, large fury thing, a Wookie?"

"A Wookie?" The Golden droid shrieks as the other three droids stare after them, "One of those hairy beasts."

Rolling her eyes she sighs and looks over at Poe as they enter the hanger. "You ready?"

"Always am."

Two Troopers approach the door and in sync Poe and Sar'ika lift their blasters hitting them back.

"You four stay there." Rey orders the droids.


"Which way?"

Finn looks around the hanger and shrugs before taking off, "No idea, follow me."

"Drop your weapons!"

The quartet stop and jump, Sar'ika trains her blaster on the Trooper closest but Rey steps in fort holding her hand in the air, "It's okay that we're here."

"It's okay that you're here." They repeat back to her.

"It's good."

"You're relieved that we're here."

"Thank goodness you're here."

"Welcome guys."

Poe raises a brow, casting a suspicious glance to Sar'ika, "Do they do that to us?"

Rey steps forward again as Sar'ika holsters her blaster, "We're looking for a prisoner and his belongings."

The Troopers give them direction and they go in that direction, taking out any cameras they see along their way, "They said Chewie's this way."

Finn and Sar'ika work together to get the door opened as Poe covers them, Rey turns suddenly feeling a pull in the Force, one that she felt when Sar'ika touched the dagger and then she did right after.

"The dagger is on this ship. We need it."


"A feeling. I'll meet you back at the hangar."

"Rey, wait-" Sar'ika goes to follow her but Poe stops her with a hand on her shoulder.

She sighs casting a glance to Finn who shrugs his shoulders at her, "Chewie." Poe demands.

Closing her eyes Sar'ika nods, "This way."

She leads them through the dark corridors. "He's in here."

As Finn moves to the control panel she whips out her blaster to shoot it making him jump back, "No time." She offers with a shrug.

They run in, going to the Wookie that lets out a groan, "Of course we came for you, Chewie."

"Yeah, Rey's here, she's gonna get the dagger.

They help him up and Sar'ika feels his pain, placing a hand on his arm she stares up at him, "It'll be okay." She promises.

Finn and Poe watch in confusion as the Wookie's mumblings come to a stop, he seems much calmer now.

They raise their brows when she steps back, "What was that?"


Poe points to Chewie who is still staring back at her, "I-I don't know, I just..."

She looks back at the Wookie hoping for an explanation but he just shrugs in response.

Finn leads them out and the around the corner to see Troopers approaching, he shoots the door panel and runs back the other way.

"Wrong way!"

"Not really a right way is there?"

The four make their escape, running through the corridors and taking down Troopers in their path, Sar'ika hands Chewie an extra blaster and he grunts his thanks as he follows after them.

"We close?"

"Straight ahead!"

Sar'ika dives for cover hiding behind a post as she shoots the last three Troopers on their tail. Poe grunts suddenly and she turns to see him down, clutching his arm, "Dameron!"

She runs forward only for Chewie to grab her, Finn raises his blaster shooting the Trooper that was aiming at Sar'ika.

Chewie finally lets her go and she drops at Poe's side, helping him sit up she asses the wound, "I'm okay, I'm okay."

Finn kneels beside them, "You okay?"

Poe grunts and looks up as a platoon surrounds them, "Nope."

Sar'ika places her hand over his arm before taking piece of fabric wrapped around her wrist and tying it securely around his arm, he grips her forearm tighter when she does the knot a little too tight, "Djarin gods!"

"Shut up, I'm trying to help."

"Be gentle."

"Get to your feet!" The Stormtroopers order.

"Hands up! Drop your weapons, now!"

Sar'ika raises her hands as Finn places his blaster down and Chewie throws his, Poe leans back on his good arm looking up at them, "Hey, fellas."

"Shut up, scum."

Chewbacca laughs and the three below him shoot him a look telling him to be quiet.

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