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✦✦✦✦ Exegol ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Exegol ✦✦✦✦

Sar'ika lands the X-Wing, biting down on her lip, she raises a brow as she feels another presence, one she hasn't sensed in a very long time.


Finally gaining the courage to get out of the ship, she looks up at the Resistance members in the sky, spotting the ship Poe is on within a heartbeat.

She double checks her staff is on her back then that her lightsabre is in her holster and then grabs her blaster.

Grabbing the lightsabre in her hands she stares at it, once belonging to her grandfather, General in the Clone Wars, General Obi-Wan Kenobi. And then to her mother, General in the Rebellion, General Kit Kenobi.

And now belonging to her, General in the Resistance, General Sar'ika Djarin-Kenobi.

Hanging it on her belt she goes to grab her helmet, staring at her reflection in the visor she sets it down on her seat carefully just choosing to wear her armor instead.

Looking back up she sees the Resistance ships getting destroyed, "No..."

She knows she has to fight, she has to help them, so looking towards the opening she takes off, her mind racing as she follows the path, feeling where their presences are.

Ben grips the lightsabre a little tighter, getting overwhelmed by the four Knights standing around him, only managing to have taken out one in the time he's been on Exegol, all that's on his mind is Rey, that's how he gets distracted.

Pushed to the floor he looks up watching as they raise their weapons above him, a white lightsabre is what saves him.

Lodging its way between the weapon and him, stopping his death.

Sar'ika steps in front of him, kicking her foot up to hit the Knight away as she twirls her lightsabre in her hand.

She glances over her shoulder at Ben and nods her head once, "Go."

He stands, opening his mouth to protest but she sends him a stern glance and a challenging brow that reminds him of their childhood when she'd always take charge in any situation, obeying he runs to find Rey.

"Hey, guys."

Cardo swings his weapon towards her making her roll away to miss it, holding her hands up in defence she steps back slightly, "Fine, not 'hey, guys'."

She looks around at the four people advancing on her, "We have you four to one."

Twirling her lightsabre in her hand and raising her brow she raises a brow.

"I like those odds."

Kuruk is the one who advances first, a shot form his rifle barley missing her, once again twirling her lightsabre and getting a better grip she sighs before starting her attack.

She looks around, surveying who is left, Cardo, Ushar, Trudgen and Kuruk, slashing the lightsabre down she strikes Cardo with a slash to the chest easily killing him instantly.

Jumping back as Ushar's club is hit towards her, she takes her sabre slashing at his arm causing him to drop the axe, knowing it'll take him a few moments to recover she turns ready for the next one.

She rolls and lifts her sabre up stopping another blast from a rifle. The Knight recomposes quickly, a shot hitting her in the side, not enough to kill her but enough to do damage and cause pain. Crying out as she lifts her blood coated hand, she doesn't see Trudgen behind her, she gets pushed down one of the openings, falling into darkness.

Gasping as she sits upright, searching for her lightsabre she curses, "Sar'ika..."

Her eyes widen as she stands, blindly feeling the wall beside her to walk, "No." She mutters trying to outrun the voice that calls for her.

Smacking into a hard chest she falls back, she manages to make out a figure of a tall man, his hand extended, "Don't be afraid, embrace it."

It's the same man from the tunnels; looking at him better she sees he's wearing Mandalorian armor, a helmet that shows his eyes.

"Who are you?"

He wiggles his fingers of the hand extended to her and she wiggles her brows right back, "I am Tarre Vizsla."

"Yeah, hmm, good so a name, and why are you haunting me?"

"I'm not haunting you."

Sar'ika tilts her head slightly to finally look away from his extended hand, "And I'm not going to kill you either."

Shakily reaching up she takes his hand allowing him to pull her to her feet, "So, are you willing to embrace it?"


The three remaining Knights prepare to help the Emperor, not noticing the person standing behind them.

A strained gasp comes from Trudgen as he drops to his knees, a white sabre sticking through his chest.

The sabre wiggles before flying out of his chest and into the hands of Sar'ika, she twirls it around and takes off towards Kuruk and Ushar.

She activates the other sabre held in her hand, a black blade being admitted from it, the Darksabre, that was thought lost... again.

Lifting one lightsabre to hold back Ushar's club she raises the other to block a shot of the rifle.

Ignoring the stinging of her wound she kicks one foot up hitting away the rifle, deactivating the two lightsabre and rolling away Ushar's club hits Kuruk.

She uses the Force to push away the rifle, it falling down the same gap she did moments ago.

Using only the Darksabre as she hooks the other on her belt she slices off one of Ushar's hands making him drop the club.

Sticking the Darksabre through his chest she rips it back only for Kuruk to try and fight it off her.

He hits it away from her but before she can reach out with the Force for it Kuruk grabs her hand twisting it around, she lets out a cry, hoping to the Gods it isn't broken.

Using her other hand she punches him in the gut and tries to grab the sabre in her belt.

Kuruk tries to go for her legs but she jumps up to avoid him, he manages to grab the sabre on her belt, activating the white blade.

Grabbing the staff on her back she twirls it around and then ducks quickly hitting his feet, he only stumbles slightly so she pounces forward again.

Kicking her foot up she hits him in the chest then swipes at his hand to get him to drop the sabre.

Pointing at the place his armor doesn't protect by his neck she pants heavily, "The Dark Side gets you nowhere, only closer to death, remember that next time."

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