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✦Bounty Hunters and Spice Runners ✦

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Bounty Hunters and Spice Runners

They regroup on the corner, all of them peaking around as they watch Poe run over to them, only being slightly started by their appearance, "They're everywhere."

They all sigh, watching as Troopers rip a man and woman apart from each other, "All right, I know what we should do."

"So do I, we should leave."

"Zip it, voice box." Sar'ika orders.

"Clam it, Threepio," Poe grabs Sar'ika's hand tugging her close to him as he walks off, "Follow me."

Sar'ika tugs her hand back, "I can walk by myself."

Poe ignores her as he wraps an arm around her pulling her closer, "Just stay close."

They take cover behind a wall, "All right, let's-"

Poe stops suddenly an Sar'ika raises a brow, "As much as I hate your voice, Dameron, please conti-"

She's cut off by Poe pushing her behind him, a woman appears, a golden helmet hiding her identity as she holds a blaster to Poe's head, "Heard you were spotted at Monk's Gate. Thought, 'He's not stupid enough to come back here."

"Oh, you'd be surprised."

Finn drags Sar'ika away from Poe as Rey peers over his shoulder at the woman, "Dameron?" Sar'ika asks, her hand going to her sabre hidden under the large coat she wears.

Poe sends her a look she knows all too well, 'stand down'.

"Dameron?" She says again, a little more firmly as she keeps her eyes trained on the woman with a weapon pointing at his head.

Her other hand flicks downwards, the wrist guard she wears lighting up as she activates the flamethrower, only needing to lift her hand for it to fully activate.

"Who's this?"

"What's going on?"


"Guys, this is Zorii. Zorii, this is Djarin, Rey and Finn."

"I could pull this trigger right now."

Poe shrugs, "I've seen you do worse."

"For a lot less."

Sar'ika snorts slightly, "Can we just, uh... talk about this?"

"I wanna see your brains in the snow."

"I like her." Sar'ika says peering over at Poe who glares at her in response, "We have something in common."

"I thought you were kidding when you said you're planning my murder."

"Oh no, I've got an alibi and everything, Dameron." Sar'ika says, her face fully serious making his eyes widen slightly.

Poe lowers his hood and turns to Zorii with his hands in the air, "So, you're still mad? Zorii, we could use your help. We gotta crack this droid's head open and fast."

"Pardon me!"

"Threepio, zip it." Sar'ika says, once again glaring at the golden droid.

"We're trying to find Babu Frik."

"Babu? Babu only works with the crew."

Finn and Sar'ika share a glance at the mention of a crew, shrugging they turn their attention back to the pair in front of them, "That's not you anymore."

"Crew?" Sar'ika questions.

Rey repeats the question from behind her and Zorii finally turns to look at the trio, "Oh, funny he never mentioned it," Poe desperately shakes his head at her, "Your friends old job was running spice."

All their mouths drop open and they all turn to look at Poe, Poe Dameron, a spice runner, the same Poe Dameron who won't even drink a cup of caf on the days he has a mission.

"You were a spice runner?" Finn asks.

"You were a Stormtrooper?"

"Were you a spice runner?"

"Were you a scavenger?"

"Dameron, were you a spice runner?"

"Djarin, were you a bounty hunter?"

She rolls her eyes, but there's a small smile as she found out something new, "We could do this all night." Poe shrugs.

"You don't have all night."

Finn and Rey turn to look at Sar'ika, momentarily forgetting the blaster being held at their friend's head, "You were a bounty hunter?"

"I'm a Mandalorian, what did you expect?"

"You know, I'm still digging out of the hole you put me in when you left to join the Resistance." She says moving around to stand in front of the entire group.

Poe keeps his hands in the air, he looks over at Finn telling him with his eyes not move, Finn gets the memo gabbing Sar'ika who shakes him off staying in her spot to watch the scene unfold.

She's not sure if she should be highly concerned or highly amused.

"You," She looks at Rey and Sar'ika, "You're the ones they're looking for."

Sar'ika raises a brow and looks back at Rey who shrugs, "Bounty for her alone just might cover us." Sar'ika stands in front of Rey, wanting to protect her best friend.


"Don't, Djak'kankah." Poe shakes his head.

Rey taps Sar'ika's side twice, a signal.

Ducking down Sar'ika activates her flame throwers warding off the two men behind them as Rey swings her staff over the crouched girl hitting Zorii's blaster out of her hand.

Sar'ika rolls to the side allowing Rey to get up, with an empty flamethrower she goes for her blaster that gets shot away as a blaster shot from a man above hits her Beskar wrist plate.

Calling on the Force she flicks the man off the roof as she and Rey turn in time, a white and blue lightsabre activated as they point at Zorii's throat.

Poe and Finn exchange a glance, Poe shifting as he clears his throat, "That was..."


Rey looks over at Sar'ika nodding, "Good going."

"You too."

"We could really use your help." Rey says, ignoring the blaster being pointed at her.

"Please." Sar'ika adds raising her brow.

Zorii pants heavily as she looks between them, "Not that you care, but I think you're okay."

"We care."

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