Chapter Twenty-Nine: Elle

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        "Morning. Thanks for coming in a little early." Hotch handed out files to the police.

        "Lousy Coffee's up!" Morgan shouted.

        "We just want you to hear what the FBI has gathered and get you on the streets."

        "So the guy we're looking for is a classic power reassurance rapist.

        "This differs from a power assertive rapist, who attempts to humiliate and traumatize his victims, As well as the Anger Retaliatory Rapist, and sexual sadist who's attacks are random and excessively brutal." Spencer explained.

        "The reason that's important for you to know-he's the only kind of rapist who targets a specific victim."

        "He fantasizes that he's in a relationship with these women. Now, he doesn't come across them by accident. This is someone with Access. He's the cable guy or a locksmith. He's the guy who reads the gas meter. He can describe exactly what these women wear, or how they smell. These details feed his fantasy." Morgan told them. "Now, we need you to look for the overlap between the sets of victims. Lawn crew, Handy man,  Did the school share workers with any of the recent victims?"

        "Due to seeing these as relationships, Chances are he lives alone, which allows him to indulge his delusion that he is in fact in a relationship with these women." I added.

        "Because of the discrepancy in the women's ages, we can only pinpoint his age somewhere between twenty and forty years old."

        "It's possible that he has a profession that he finds emasculating, So look for someone in their lives with a job that deviates from normal gender roles, Something like a secretary." Morgan said.

        "We're sure that there is some overlap. This guy is a shadow at the edge of each of these women's lives."

        "Alright, that's square one. Re-canvas and be sure to relay information on shift change."

        The others went to talk to a victims parents and the last victim.

        "Harper, stay here."

        "What?" I asked. 

        "I want you here with JJ to see what the police officers find out." 

        "Um...ok?" I sat down and sighed.


        The team soon came back and we started going through the questionnaires they got from the telemarketing place.

        "Wow. I heard you ran into a wall of paper." Morgan said, entering the room. 

        "You can lock your doors, but these people still find a way into your home. Elle, it might be worth going back to the victims. It's a long shot, but maybe somebody remembers a first name from a telemarketing call."

        "Yeah, the unsub feels a connection with them, so we wouldn't use a lie or an alias." Elle said.

        "We know this guy's DNA's not in the system, but I'll cross check employment records against sexual misdemeanors. Peeping,  exposure."


        "Separated the Dayton form from the rest of the region."

        "So what do we know from the latest set of victims?" Hotch asked.

        "They're all single and over thirty five."

        "Each of them also indicated buying books on babies of child rearing."

New Girl(A Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds Fan-fiction) BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now