Chapter Forty-Five:Jenna, Bart, and Costa Rica

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        I smiled as our plane landed in Costa Rica. I don't really know why we chose Costa Rica. It just...kind of happened. I grabbed Spencer's hand. I looked down at the silver wedding band on is finger. We were married. We were truly, legally, actually married. We grabbed our bags made our way to baggage claim. We, luckily enough, quickly found our suitcases and left. The sun was shining. I grabbed Spencer's hand again.

        "It's beautiful here." I said.

        "Less then One percent  of Costa Rican are indigenous ancestry. Ninety-four percent are-"

        "Of European or Mestizo ethnicity." I interrupted. "You've said it four times."

        "Costa Rica's marine area reaches Five hundred and eighty thousand Kilometers squared, which is..."

        "Approximately ten times larger then the land area..."

        "Which measures up to only Fifty-one thousand Kilometers squared." I laughed. "Did I say that one?"

        "No." I told him. That's when Spencer's phone rang. He looked at it.

        "B.A.U." I urged him to answer it. He put it on speaker phone. "Hello?"

        "Five shootings in New York. We just got a new victim in a subway, single shot to the head with a .Twenty-two, all of the killings are mid-day with no witnesses."

        "A .Twenty-Two caliber pistol is only One Hundred and Fifty-Two decibels, while New York streets and subways are well over a hundred." I started.

        'It could be that people aren't even registering the gun-shot until the unub's already leaving the scene. It's the son of Sam all over again." 

        "Do you need us to come back?" I asked.

        "No. We'll keep you updated and call if we need you. Enjoy your honeymoon." Hotch said, hanging up the phone. I sighed.

        "Why would he do that?!" I asked Spencer.


        "No, tell us about the case! Now that's all I'll be able to think about."  He laughed and pulled me away.


        We got to the hotel and started to check in.

        'Hi, we had a reservation for Reid?" I asked the front desk.

        "Ah, the newlyweds! Yes, you have the honey moon suite. Did you know that you're the second honeymoon couple to check in here?" 


        "Yes ma'am. Ok, here are your keys. I hope you enjoy your stay." 

        "Thank you." We walked over to the elevator. The doors started to close.

        "Hold the elevator!" A woman called, running over with another man. I stuck my arm in the door and it opened they ran in. "Thanks!"

        "No problem." I told her. 

        "So, what brings you two to Costa Rica?" The woman asked. She had platinum blonde hair and was wearing a purple blouse and denim shorts, whereas the man was tall with floppy down hair, wearing a Hawaiian shirt and Khaki shorts.

        "Honeymoon. Just married." 

        "Really? What a coincidence! So are we! Hi, there, I'm Jenna, and this is my Husband, Bart. What are your names?" 

        "Well, I'm Marianne, and this is my...husband, Spencer." I told her. 

        "It's a pleasure to meet ya'll. I just love Costa Rica. It's so beautiful. You'll love it. Oh! We can be honeymoon buddies!" I smiled politely.


        "Oh! What's your room number?!" I showed her our room key. "Oh! We're staying right across the hall! We're going to be honeymoon neighbors! Oh my gosh this is fantastic-"

        "Jen, I honestly don't think they want to spend they're honeymoon with you harassing them." Bart said.

        "No, Bart, this is called being friendly! You really should try it sometime dear." I smiled. I liked these two. 

        "We really don't mind." I looked at Spencer. He nodded. 

        "Oh! I'l tell you what! Why don't all take a while to get settled in and then we'll all go out to dinner at this cute little restaurant we found. Oh it's great, you'll love it. They're shrimp is to die for! It's some great food and I think you'll love it." The elevator stopped. "Alright then! We'll meet you two downstairs in about...four hours. It was a pleasure meeting ya'll. I already said that, didn't I. Oh well, second times the charm! Bye ya'll." She grabbed Bart's arm and pulled him out of the elevator. He gave us a look that said 'I'm sorry". I smiled. We heard their door shut and stepped out of the elevator.

        "Well she's..." Spencer trailed off.

        "...Nice..." I smiled and we walked into our room. It was beautiful."Oh my gosh, look at this!" I put my suitcase down and sat on the bed. "I like this."


        I sat on the bed, while Spencer laid with his head in my lap. I played absentmindedly with his hair.

        "You're thinking about the case aren't you?"  I sighed.

        "I can't help it. That's my job!" 

        "Do you want to call Hotch?" I nodded, grabbing my phone and dialing Hotch's number.


        "Hey, Just wanted to see how the case is going."

        "You know, it was a bad idea calling you two. It was stupid. The case is fine, you forget about it and enjoy your honeymoon." 

        "We just-"

        "That's an order." He hung up. 

        "I should have guessed that was how he would respond." I said, hanging up the phone and putting it back on the table.

        "It's Hotch, what do you expect?"

        "OH yeah, I'm very proud of you, by the way." I told him.


        "You didn't freak out in the elevator."  He sat up and looked at me disapprovingly as I laughed. "I'm sorry, but you had that one coming." I leaned in and kissed him. He put his hands on my face and behind my neck, kissing me back.  I pulled away and sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me. I looked at the clock. "We have about an hour until dinner with Jenna and Bart." I laid down and he laid down next to me. "This is great isn't it?"

        "Yeah, it is." 


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