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I don't think anything could beat the feeling of being wrapped up in bed with George's arms around me while rain slashes the windows from outside. Not only was I given warmth from being bundled up in the blankets, but George's warm body next to mine also offered solace against the cooler temperatures brought on by the rain.

I slowly opened my eyes, blinking. Patches was curled up at our feet, looking scared of the storm. I turned over and pat the blanket closer to my lap, causing her to look up and prance towards my chest. Even if it was only Christmas Eve, this was probably the best gift I could ever get.

With the small weight now on me, I turned my head to admire George's sleeping face. He was clearly fast asleep, and for good reason, too - we were up really late last night watching animated movies from our childhood together with Patches. I fell asleep on him after maybe the second or third one, but I'd guess George stayed up for at least two more. 

Right now, he had a slight smile on his face, which in turn made me grin goofily. I brought a hand from Patches's back to cup his cheek, stroking his cheekbone with my thumb. He still remained sleeping. 

Over the past 6 weeks, George had made a significant upturn. His face was fully healed, although a few pale scars slashed across his face. His hands, too, were fully healed, although they didn't have any scars. 

Outside of the physical recovery, the legal case was very open and shut with all the evidence. After the school genuinely confirmed the blackmail, not only did the phone itself become evidence and taken out of Jack's possession with the video staying not deleted until the case was over, but with all of the evidence and testimonies, not even Jack's family's expensive attorney could evade it. George won the case and gained retribution for the medical bills on top of an incredible 30,000 dollars. There was a hitch in the case with George having been a minor while I wasn't in Jack's recording, but George was so old anyway and they had no reason to suspect there was any coercion or pressure between us. But as for Jack himself, well...

He got expelled and sentenced to time in juvenile detention. And, despite my hatred towards him, I couldn't help but feel a little worried. After all, it was obvious he needed help, and based on what he told me before the fight, it wasn't his fault - most of his actions traced back to his parents' behavior. I'm probably qualified to know what it's like to have horrible homophobic parents, though Jack's seemed more lowkey about it. I hope that those facilities do give actual professional help to their tenants who need them, and I especially hope that it's enough for him.

George hummed quietly, seemingly beginning to wake up. I ruffled his hair gently, causing him to bring his hand up to mine and grab it, bring them both back down to our waists with our fingers weaving together naturally. 

"Good morning, sunshine," I greeted as thunder roared ironically overhead.

"'Mornin', bubs," he responded groggily, giving me a light kiss on the neck.

I snuggled closer to him, my head resting in his hair. Patches had squished herself between the two of our chests, so I couldn't get much closer than this. I didn't mind, though. 

"What time even is it? It's too stormy," he yawned after a while. I felt him shift his head, presumably to look at my alarm clock. "Wow, it's 10 AM."

"Mmm, I've woken up later," I dismissed. "Let's keep cuddling."

 He chuckled softly, moving his head back and gently poking me on the nose. I grinned and leaned forward, kissing him softly on the cheek. He returned the favor and we both lay back, smiling stupidly at each other.

"Kiss?" he asked. 

"Ew, no, go brush your teeth."

Giggling, I placed my hand flat on his chest and pushed him gently. While I wasn't exactly impartial to morning breath kisses, today I felt like teasing him. He rolled his eyes and got up, taking off his shirt and heading to the bathroom, presumably to go brush his teeth. I stretched my arms and placed Patches on the bed before getting up to do the same.

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