3. I Do Adore

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George held me for a little while, occasionally brushing my hair softly. When she came back from the bathroom, Cassie seemed to realize what happened and took the letter from George, ripping it up and tossing it in the garbage before politely leaving us alone.

Eventually, my breathing returned to normal and I pulled back, grabbing George's hand from my back and bringing them in front of us. He ran a finger across the back of my hand, smiling.

"You feeling better?" he asked.

"Yeah. Thanks so much."

"Of course. I'm always here for you."

I turned around so I was now sitting in his lap. Patches jumped up onto my own lap, curling up to me affectionately. George's cat settled with snuggling between my leg and the couch. 

Scratching my cat's head absentmindedly, I asked, "What do you want to do now?"

"You sure you've rested enough?"


"In that case, why don't we work on choosing a costume pair?"

"Okay." Not wanting to disturb the cats, I took out my phone, feeling George rest his head on my shoulder to browse with me. I opened the Google app and searched "couple costume ideas."

The top result was pretty meh, even though it was a gallery of 80 costumes. Most of them were really boring, and the ones that weren't boring were just ridiculous.

"Why would you even want to be a hashbrown?" George wheezed at one of the suggestions. "I mean, they taste good, but... for WHAT reason?"

"I dunno! And why a couple of hashbrowns? How is that special?"

The rest of the list was just as awful as the pair of hashbrowns, meaning that this website wasn't going to be of much use. We scrolled through some other results, but none of them caught our eye.

"Maybe I'll just wear a mask and call it good," I sighed defeatedly.

"Aw, I kinda want to do the couple thing though..."

"But do you have any ideas?"

"Well... I don't mean to make any weird ships or anything, buuuuuuuut..."

"Oh my God, George. What's your idea?" I rolled my eyes.

"Jessie and James from Pokémon."

"Hey, I like that idea. I have a Pumpkaboo plush we can use." I was really into stuffed animals when I was younger, and I still have a good majority of them in my room.

"Really? That's adorable!"

"Yeah. But can I be James? I don't really want to crossdress..."

"Of course. I'm fine with it, and I honestly think I'd look cute in a crop top."

"Nah, I'd look better."


"I mean, I can show off my rock-hard abs."

"I- You're such an idiot." 

"But I'm your idiot," I grinned. 

"And I'm happy about it." Stroking my hair gently, he snaked his hands under my shirt, rubbing my abdomen softly. I giggled, putting my palm on the back of his hand as he playfully pulled my shirt up a little bit.

We sat like that for a while before we continued our conversation.

"What are we gonna do about hair?" George wondered aloud.

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