2. Bad Company

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Sunday was uneventful until George came at around 8 with his cat in tow. His parents were more than happy to let George and his cat over so long as he checked up on his house every day on his way home from school, taking the mail and such. Both were happy to see me, George giving me a kiss and his cat nuzzling up against my legs with a purr.

We followed the gray cat as he approached Patches. I held my breath as they approached each other, but then they just meowed in acknowledgment of one another and went to go to cat things elsewhere. I heaved a sigh of relief, as did George.

"Glad to see they get along," he chuckled. "At least, as far as cats go."

"Yeah. You have all your clothes, right?"


"Let's go upstairs, then."

Once we dropped off all of George's clothes, we decided just to fall asleep together. We had both already had dinner and school was tomorrow, so we stripped down to our underwear and cuddled into bed together.

George wrapped his arms around me affectionately and I did the same, bringing him in to my torso. Rubbing his back, I said, "'Night, Gogy."

"'Night, Clay," he mumbled. 

And as we slowly drifted off, I could feel him smile against my chest.


The next morning, George, my sister, and I sat around the table having breakfast. We ate quietly, all of us too tired to really start a conversation. When we all finished and cleaned up, George grabbed my and his bags while Cassie got her own. I hopped into the driver's seat of my car as Cassie took the passenger seat and George sat in the back.

I pulled out of the driveway and started driving the three of us to school, still not talking much. The school day drudged on until science, where we had a very unwelcome pop quiz.

After a few minutes, I checked my answers to the quiz. Even though I didn't have Mrs. O'Perra last year and I thought I was free, I was wrong when I was put in her class this year. At least I got to sit next to George, which set her homophobic ass off.

A few years ago, I only had my suspicions because of how she treated George specifically, but now that he and I were openly dating, she started being especially nasty to both of us. Even in the first two months of school, she kept trying to get us in trouble for stupid things, even though we were actually pretty well-behaved for our grade.

As I went up to turn it in, she glared at me before taking it. Being the first one done, I returned to my seat to lay my head down on the desk and space out. I pulled my head up a few minutes later to see the last few people turning in their quiz and the bell ringing. One guy, who I recognized but couldn't put a name to, stood up there longer, talking to Mrs. O'Perra. 

Why would you do that voluntarily?  I wondered. I stood up and grabbed my bag, ready to go to my next class, but I was called up by Mrs. O'Perra. I rolled my eyes facing away from her, turning around to go up. George was also called up, meaning she must have found some other reason to get us in arbitrary trouble.

"Both of you, see me at lunch on Wednesday," she ordered.

"Why?" George asked.

"I'll tell you then. Now go to your next class."

My boyfriend looked at me in exasperation before saying, "Yeah, okay." 

I nodded in agreement, and just to stick it to her, George and I walked out holding hands.

"Wonder what she's gonna try to pin on us today?" I sighed, running my thumb along his knuckles.

"I dunno," he shrugged. "But I wish we could get her fired."

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