6. Approaching

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(They have a kinda sexual conversation in this chap - not like smutty, but just sexual. I dunno if that's even a tw, but I thought I'd say it just to be safe. Also, there's a parental abuse tw later on, but that one is clearly marked.)

Thunder roared overhead and rain slashed the windows, making being inside with my boyfriend in my arms all the cozier. While it'd probably let up before dinner, I always love sitting inside during thunderstorms. They scared Patches, though - she'd always hide under something or try to wiggle next to you on the couch. Right now, I think she was behind the couch, but I had no idea where George's cat could have went. George himself couldn't seem to stay asleep with the storm outside, so he sat up and put his legs across my lap to watch the storm with me.

We stayed like that for a while before my dad called us over for dinner. He seemed tense, but I didn't want to push him on what it was - after all, I had a very good idea what it was already, judging by the legal-looking envelope on the counter. After a mostly silent dinner, George and I goofed off in my basement, playing some Mario Maker. We were taking turns doing endless expert, which had levels of highly varying difficulty. One in particular made me want to throw my controller across the room. You had to do a shell jump over a bottomless pit, so if you fell, you had to restart the level. The controller kept going back and forth until I decided that I'd best go to sleep before something got broken. Specifically by me.

"I'm gonna go to bed," I said, putting my controller down gently, though I wanted to chuck it against the wall. "You coming?"

"Yeah." He reached to turn the console off and I took his hand to lead him to my room. As we opened the door, George doubled back out of the room.

"Where are you going?" I asked, taking off my shirt.


"Okay. I'll go after you."

"Sure. Be out in a sec."

I heard the water turn on and the sounds of it being redirected around a body. I laid back on my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling as I waited for George to finish. He didn't take very long, so after a while, he came back in his underwear with his hair sopping wet. He looked really cute.

"Hey, cutie," I said, smirking.

He giggled. "Hi... Uh... fuck, I can't think of an original name. Sorry."

"Aw. Don't worry, Gogy." I gave him a big hug, squeezing his shoulders.

"You smell, go shower," he teased as we broke apart. I rolled my eyes and left to go to the bathroom.

Slipping past him, I stepped into my bathroom and turned on the water. While I was waiting for it to get hot, I took off all of my clothes and piled them on the counter, as well as grabbing a towel from the closet. I then stepped into the shower, letting the water flow over me. I stood in the hot water for a while, letting my naked body warm up. I then evaluated my life at the moment like always do in the shower. School kinda sucks, but maybe Mrs. O'Perra's getting fired. Then there was the Halloween party on Saturday. But that's at night... what else will I do Saturday? Starting with the morning, I'll... 


I'll probably be in bed with George after... well... the night before. It's kind of scary to think it's that soon. I'm not having second thoughts about the act itself, but I am pretty nervous. When looking at it from the perspective of how soon Friday would be, Monday and Tuesday had zoomed past, and Friday was already the day after tomorrow.

Well, no point thinking about that any more right now. I cleaned myself off quickly and stepped out of the shower, turning the water off and drying myself with the towel. I looked around and mentally punched myself. I'd left my new underwear in my room, and I didn't want to put on my old ones. I just decided to wrap my towel around my waist and slip into my new pair quickly.

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