7. Fly Me to the Moon

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(sorry for the huge delay on this chap! as you may or may not know, i have a discord now if you want to join: https://discord.gg/jCmtUwE
I will use this to give you all updates as soon as they come out as well as providing a nice, welcoming place for everyone to hang out!

When I woke up, George was still holding me tightly. He'd turned the TV on, though it was at a low volume. I leaned back a little, wincing at the wet spot in George's shirt. It wasn't the first time I got his shirt wet while crying, and I always felt bad since he'd never needed the same from me.

Noticing I was awake, George stroked my hair lightly. "Hey. How are you feeling?"

I rested my arms around his shoulders tiredly. "Could be better. Where'd my dad and Cassie go?"

"Police station," he answered, seemingly unbothered.

"Oh. Why?" I asked, confused by his laid-back attitude.

He shrugged. "Something about a restraining order."

I raised my eyebrows, confused. "I thought we already had one. His divorce attorney encouraged it when that whole thing was happening."

"Hm. Maybe they're reporting the violation."

"Why not just call 911?"

"He didn't want you to be alarmed. That's why he wanted to bring me."

"Well, why didn't you go?"

"You didn't want me to."

"I didn't?"

"It seems like it. You clutched onto me so tight I almost couldn't breathe when he asked if I could go."

"Oh." I was a little embarrassed. Now that I was in a better state of mind, I would have definitely rather he go than stay here because his account was probably valuable. Although, I can't say I wasn't thankful for him staying. "Um... Thanks for staying."

"Of course, Clay." He reached to brush a few stray bangs out of my face before resting his thumb on my cheekbone to wipe away a tear I didn't know was there. We stared at each other for a bit as the feelings washed over me again, fresh tears welling up in my eyes.

"C-Can you... hold me?" I asked in a small voice. He didn't answer; he simply brought me in for a hug. I calmed down some and relaxed, my arms falling onto his lap. George's phone buzzed, so he looked at his phone, still holding me gently.

"Hey, do you want to have dinner yet?" he asked softly once he finished reading.

I was a little confused at the sudden suggestion. However, I was definitely ready to have dinner. "Yeah. I'm actually kinda hungry."

"Alright. Do you want to get a pizza? Your dad said he's getting Chipotle with Cassie."

"Yeah. I can order-"

He shook his head. "No. I'll do it."

I didn't protest his assertion. I slid down so my head was sitting on George's lap, readjusting the blanket over myself so I was tucked in more comfortably. His thigh was a little bony, but it was comfortable all the same. He giggled and started to order online, tapping away at the website. His free hand found its way into my hair, ruffling it softly. I turned my attention to the show George was watching. I didn't recognize it until I saw the font that showed up on the bottom left every so often.

"You're watching The Amazing Race?" I wondered, amused.

He looked over the side of his phone down at me. "It was the first thing that the TV was on and I just got invested."

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