14. Final Confrontation

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This chapter has several TWs. The following will apply to the first half (until I write a message in bold saying they have ended):
-Non-consensual recording
-Descriptions of violence
-Moderate description of mild to moderate injury and blood
-Very strong language, including slurs

And the following will apply to the second half (after the message):
-Mentions of violence in recollection (less graphic)
-Mild description of  mild to moderate injury and blood
-Responsible use of drugs (painkillers)

Please be warned before reading, and don't force yourself to read if you are sensitive to these things. Additionally, mentions of injury will persist through the next two or so chapters, though to a much lesser extent.


My face went pale. I tapped on the video to play it, dreading what I would see because the thumbnail was telling enough. Somehow, Jack had recorded George and me from across the street when we were having sex. The video was at least 5 minutes long, and through the open blinds, you could see George leaning into me for a kiss. Both of us were already naked and seemingly past the initial prep. Jack must have seen so much of it if he got to this point. When George started doing the inevitable, I had to pause the video. It would hurt too much to see it.

Fuck. This is the absolute worst thing that could have happened because of that, even more so than George and I breaking up. 

I didn't want to drag anyone else into this, so I suddenly stuttered, "I-I need to go to the bathroom." They all looked a little concerned, but I quickly got up and started walking before they could ask any questions. How the hell did he have that on video? How did he even know when it was going to happen?

I checked the messages again to make sure I was going to the right place. 

Jack: Tap to play media
Jack: Meet me behind the school or I leak this to everyone.
Jack: Including the teachers and principal. 
Jack: Go past the closest bathrooms to the cafeteria and go left until you see an outside door.
Jack: Also, if you bring anyone, I'll send it anyway.
Jack: You have 5 minutes.

I made the left and got the outside door. I'm sure there was a better way I could have gone about this, but I wasn't thinking right. It's not every day you're blackmailed with a video of you getting railed by your boyfriend with whom you are now in a strained relationship. God, why didn't we close the blinds?

I pushed open the door and looked around. Sure enough, this child who I'd love to have forgotten about was standing out of the way of the door, arms folded with a smirk on his face. How much more cartoonishly antagonistic could you get?

"See that you came," he sneered.

"Not like I had a choice. Now, what the fuck do you want?" I sighed desperately. 

"Listen, you and George aren't supposed to be having this sort of feel-good get-back together bullshit. You were supposed to be permanently separated, not taking some sort of one-week break."

"The hell is that supposed to mean?"

"I'm surprised. I thought a top-of-the-class faggot like you would have figured it out by now."

I was about to wind up to punch him, but I composed myself. He has some serious blackmail on me. If I were to do anything he didn't want, he'd send it to everyone in the school, including the staff. George and I would probably both be expelled, and any chance of George going to college would be in huge jeopardy. This isn't just about me - it's about him, too.

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