8. Fluffy Pancakes

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(sdafsrgefgr sorry this chapter took so long to get out! school has been taking up most of my time but anyway here it is)

I couldn't really describe how I felt this morning. I was sore in a few places and felt extremely tired, but at the same time, I felt comfy and warm. George was cuddling me close, occasionally rubbing my abs gently. My bottom lip also felt a little puffy from someone biting it, but it wasn't very bothersome.

I opened my eyes and scanned the room, looking at our mess. The soiled towel lay far away from all of our other clothes and the bottle of lube on the bedstand was almost half empty. The condom wrapper lay among the mess, though luckily the rubber itself was nowhere to be seen. The room smelled like sweat and must. Though that smell wasn't unusual for George's room, right now, it was a lot worse.

After a moment, I found the strength to move my arm and hold my boyfriend's hand that was laying on my waist.

"'Morning, Clay," he yawned.

"Mmm," I mumbled, rolling my head over so I was facing him.

"How are you feeling? You okay?" He readjusted his grip on my waist to be more comfortable.

I smiled, snuggling deeper into his grasp. "I'm fine. Just tired."

George craned his neck over to his alarm clock. "It's almost 11 AM. We slept a long time, huh?"

"Yeah." I rolled over again and reached toward the ceiling, stretching. My boyfriend readjusted his grip to be around my chest, kissing my neck lightly. I dropped my arms to wrap one around his head and pull him in for a side hug, using the other to rub my eyes drowsily. 

"Kiss?" he asked.

I turned my head to the side and gave him a look. "Yeah." 

We leaned in for a kiss, being a bit more passionate about it than usual. Our hands found the other's and locked together tightly, our fingers entwining.

After we pulled away, George giggled softly. "So... Breakfast or cuddles?"

"Cuddles," I answered without hesitation.

"Okay." He tightened his hold on me and continued kissing my neck, his breath tickling me softly. I turned toward him and gripped his waist with my legs. It was in doing this that I realized we were both still naked. It made sense, considering last night, but I blushed all the same.

George seemed to realize too. He flushed pink and mumbled, "Um... we can get our clothes on if you want."

I shrugged. Though I was a little flustered, I was fine with it. "Only if you want, but I'm fine."

"Okay. I'm fine too."

A few more minutes of cuddling passed before George was getting fidgety. It seemed like he wanted to get up and do something, and I couldn't blame him, since we had been in basically the same position in bed for the last 12 hours.

"I'm hungry," I said, wanting to prompt him to make his promised breakfast.

"Aww, hungy baby," he teased, leaning his head into my shoulder. "In that case, since we both smell like shit, I'm gonna shower first and then make the pancakes. Unless..."

He trailed off like he expected me to finish his sentence, but I wasn't catching on. "Unless what?"

"Um... Unless you wanna shower together?"

"Oh, um..." I thought about it for a moment. While it would be intimate and would save water, I didn't want either of us to get any raunchy ideas in there because I was still worn out from last night. "Maybe next time, but you should really make the pancakes soon. And... uh... we might take a long time in there if we go together."

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