Closing Note & Future Books

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Hey there, girls, guys, gays, and nonbinary baes! Thanks for reaching the end of this book.

I'm bad at these kinds of things, especially since I don't have any new thoughts about the ship after the closing note of Day Dreaming. So... uh... take some generic phrases so I have pacing until the main part of this note!

Seriously, though, thank you so, so much for the support. 50k reads is a ton for a recently ended book, and I'm honestly really proud of my work on this because of everyone's support. This book had more times than I've ever had before where I seriously contemplated giving up writing. I think it was 4 or 5 times. But because of how proud I was of everyone enjoying it, I continued, and here we are at the end with my motivation higher than ever. Thanks so much.


Now, for the part I'd guess you've all been waiting for - my next book! Well, too bad, there's one more thing. After posting this, I am going to edit both Day Dreaming and No More What Ifs and reupload them (and possibly crosspost to AO3). This edit will include any grammatical errors as well as completely eliminating a6d from the first book and probably replacing him with Alex because they deserve more screentime.

Okay, now onto my next book. Below, I have listed all of the book ideas I have thought about enough to start practically immediately. Each is going to have a title, length, brief description, angst level, and maturity warnings.

To decide my next book, I will hold a vote. To vote for a book idea, I ask you to please comment on the title of the one you want to vote for. The comment can be anything, but if you're like me and can't think of something to comment, just say something along the lines of "I want to see this one". 

You can leave comments on the descriptions of the books as normal comments that will not count as votes, but please only comment on the title if you are casting a vote for that book. You can also vote as many times as you want, but keep in mind that if you vote for every single book, it's not really going to help me decide, so I recommend reading every option first so you won't have to go back and delete comments. 

And though I already know which one will most likely win and you may too, please don't be afraid to vote for any book that may interest you! I will most likely do the second highest one afterward, so please keep voting.

Certain stories may also have sub-voting, such as for a sad ending or a good ending. When voting for these, please add your specification to the vote under the title. For example, comment "I want this with a happy ending" under the title. Mature topics involving smut can always be voted to be excluded from a story involving it ("I want this with a happy ending and no smut").

Also, I get the impression that I might be a comfort writer for some people, so if you prefer more stories without angst, please vote for those! There are quite a few angsty ones on here.

These are in no particular order.

No More Day Dreaming

Angst: Very mild with a happy ending
Warnings: Mild spice; Implied sex
Length: Short
Description: The third and final book of the Day Dreaming series. Without giving too much away, basically, George goes to university in England and Clay has to wait for a few months to join him, and when they do meet up again, it's adorable. The structure would be unlike this or Day Dreaming, being more of a compilation of miniature scenes rather than a single, cohesive story.

I have begun writing this one. ^

Forbidden Dream

Angst: Moderate (happy ending) or High (sad ending)
Warnings: Smut; Blood and Gore; Mild Alcohol; Weapons; Death
Length: Medium
Description: Medieval era AU. Basically, George is a prince bound for marriage with a princess from another kingdom to quell a brewing war, but he only has eyes for the knight assigned to protect him at all times as a precaution leading up to the wedding. The knight, Dream, has some baggage.

No More What Ifs (DreamNotFound)Where stories live. Discover now