1. Nothing Will Go Wrong

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I was jolted out of my dream by someone saying my name. I opened my eyes drearily, wondering where the voice came from.

"You gotta get up, babe."

The voice was George, my amazing boyfriend of about a year and a half. He was shaking me awake with a slight smile on his face.

"Isn't it Saturday?" I groaned, haphazardly reaching out a hand for my boyfriend.

He grabbed my hand, stroking my thumb affectionately. "Yeah, but your dad made breakfast."

I just now realized that I was in my own house and bed. Normally, when I slept with George, we'd be at his house, but yesterday, he visited my house for the first time in about 8 years. We spent a lot of last night goofing off and cuddling before eventually falling asleep together, no socks allowed.

"What time is it?" I yawned.

"It's 9."

"That's too early."

"Whatever you say," George said, shaking his head. "Now, get up before I carry you downstairs."

"Fiiine." I threw off my blanket and sat up, turning to get out of bed. I made my way to my dresser and grabbed whatever was on top of the drawer, which happened to be a pair of shorts and a green t-shirt.

George came up behind me and tossed his arms around my shoulders, nuzzling his head into my neck. I hummed, grabbing his wrist and running my fingers along his. He leaned his head up for a kiss, which I obliged to, pecking him on the nose.

I broke away from him, instead grabbing his hand to lead him downstairs. As we passed the many doors of my upstairs, George looked around in awe.

"I still can't get over how big your house is, Clay," he said.

Well, it was good for avoiding my mom.

I shrugged. "There's bigger houses."

"Yeah, but... this is still impressive."

We continued walking, carefully going down the stairs and into the kitchen. My dad and sister were already there, and my dad, being a pretty good cook and baker, made pancakes.

"This looks good," George commented, sitting down on one of the empty chairs by the kitchen island.

"Thank you, George. Clay, could you get out some plates for everyone?"

"Okay." I went over to grab four plates from the cabinet, laying them out so my dad could put a healthy serving of pancakes on each. I helped bring them over while my sister got out the syrup, whipped cream, and powdered sugar.

"Is there any way I can help?" George offered, seeming a little uncomfortable with just sitting there.

My dad shook his head. "That's alright, George."

When everyone was served, we all took a seat and started eating. I slipped my left hand down to my side to grab George's right - since he was left-handed, he wasn't using his right hand to eat. He took my hand with a smile, squeezing it gently.

We otherwise ate in silence, George insisting on rinsing the plates and putting them in the dishwasher when we were done. Once everything was cleaned up, my sister and dad went to do their own thing and George and I sat in my living room, cuddling softly on the couch.

"What do you want for your birthday, babe?" I asked. His birthday was the day after Halloween, and since it was currently October 23rd, I wanted to start thinking about what to get him.

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