Chapter 4

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April 12, 2017

It was Happy Hogan, Mr. Stark's head of security. But why was he there? It was a Wednesday, he only picked him up on days he would be working.

Peter made his way over to the car and Happy rolled down the passenger window to speak.

"Tony asked me to bring you by today because he needs your help on something."

"Okay, thanks, Mr. Happy."

"I told you to stop calling me that, kid. Just call me Happy," the ex-boxer said.

The teenager opened the back door and climbed in to sit on the black leather seat. It smelt like coffee and cologne, the smell of Tony Stark. He stuffed his stick bag from percussion and his practice pad in his backpack as he pulled out his band binder and looked over the music as he drummed on the page with his fingers.

When he felt the car come to a stop, he shoved the binder in with his textbooks and sticks in his backpack. He opened the door and climbed out.

"By, kid," Happy said through the lowered window.

"Thank you for the ride, Mr. Happy!" Peter called running through the elevator doors.

Happy rolled his eyes at the teenager that couldn't not be polite.

"Hello, Peter," FRIDAY greeted from the speakers in Mr. Stark's private elevator that Peter used to get up to the lab on the 89th floor of the tower.

The robotic Irish accent sounding happy to see the boy, if that was even possible for an artificial intelligence.

"Good afternoon, FRIDAY," Peter smiled, bouncing on his toes as he waited for the elevator to come to a stop.

It dinged and the doors opened to show him the familiar messy lab, ACDC playing loudly.

Peter walked up to the legs that showed from underneath an old sports car.

"Mr. Stark?" he had to raise his voice to try to hear over the music.

After waiting for a response and not getting one, he asked FRIDAY to turn off the music.

It went silent, yet the man under the car did not move like he normally would when throwing a fit over his music being turned off.

"Mr. Stark?" Peter asked again.

"He appears to be asleep," the female voice came from the ceiling.

"When was the last time he slept?" Peter asked.

"Over 56 hours ago."

Peter rolled his eyes, his mentor seemed to live off coffee and lack of sleep.

He walked back to the private elevator and the doors opened for him immediately.

"Take me to the common room, please?" He asked.

There was no response but the elevator jerked up.

The doors opened once again and the teen stepped out.

The room was very nice, like all of the billionaire's tower, but it had a more domestic look than the rest. It was the Avenger's common room. It had a kitchen, dining room and living room that had a TV, multiple couches, chairs and beanbags.

Only two could be seen by Peter. Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow, and Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier or White Wolf depending on the day.

They two were cooking something up in the kitchen, it smelled wonderful to Peter.

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