Chapter 10

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August 16, 2017

Harper and Peter stared at the closed elevator doors then looked to eachother. Thor had seen them and seemed to somehow recognize them.

"Is it just me or did he look like he recognozed us?" Harper asked hesitantly.

Peter just nodded in agreement, not trusting his voice to not crack with emotion.

The elevator opened to the common rooms and Peter spoke to the ceiling.

"The lobby please, FRIDAY."

"Why are you leaving so early?" the AI asked.

"I've got somethings I have to do before school," Peter responded, it wasn't a lie, he needed to look more into Norse mythology.

"Of course, Peter."

"Erase all security footage for the hall in the living quarters and my bedroom from the last hour and a half," Peter told FRIDAY.


"Undersoos92," Peter stated.

"Erased," FRIDAY confirmed.

"Thank you, FRI," Peter thanked the AI as the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened to the lobby.

Even at five o'clock in the morning, there were still many people in suits or formal clothing bustling throughout the large open area. Most of them were looking down at the phones or tablets in their hands and not looking up at where they were going.

Peter and Harper made their way through the group of people and through the automated doors and to the nice warm summer morning air.

Or what would be nice warm summer morning air, instead it was pouring rain. There was lightning striking off in the distance, thunder rumbled the sky.

Though many people don't like the rain, many like the smell but not the rain and lightning and thunder.

Both Peter and Harper loved the thunder and the way it rumbled and the works of art from trees struck by lightning, now that love made sense.

They made their way to Harper's apartment and climbed the fire escape to the still open window of her bedroom.

She grabbed her mellophone and marching band drawstring backpack that had her binder and sunscreen along with her fanny pack. She quickly changed her clothes then headed to the kitchen and pulled the refrigerator open and rummaged through the fruit and vegetables drawer and pulled out the head of lettuce and pulled a few leaves off then grabbed a strawberry. She cut the strawberry into smaller pieces then headed back to her room.

Peter gave her a questioning glance but that changed to understanding when she made her way to Apollo's tank and opened the top and put the food in the small bowl next to the dish of water then picked up the water and replaced it with fresh water.

They left soon after and headed to the school. When they got there, the gates were unlocked and they entered. They found the library was open and the old librarian wasn't there but Mr. Lee was sitting behind the desk reading a comic book.

"Good morning, Mr. Lee," Harper greeted their Physics teacher.

"Hello," Mr. Lee responded, "they're over there," he pointed to the section titled 'mythology.'

Peter and Harper learned not to question Mr. Lee and they made their way over.

They read the spines of each book, most seemed to be about Greek or Roman mythology then there were five books on the very bottom shelf that were Norse.

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