Chapter 14

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October 24, 2017

The elevator doors opened and Cooper exited first and immediately moved out of the way so he could see the interaction.

Everyone's attention was on the two as they stepped out slowly and for some reason, it was the first time you could tell that they were twins.

Thor apparently didn't hear the elevator open or notice everyone's attention turn away.

"You had no right to tell them about my personal life, Loki!" Thor yelled at his brother.

When he got no response and he realized that they were all looking at something behind him, he turned around to see them standing there.

Two teenagers that looked like he imagined his children would by that age and they were the same two that he had seen go into the elevator a couple months earlier. He stared in shock, not entirely comprehending the sight.

The two stared at him, nervously swallowing.

"Loki?" Thor asked in the softest and most insecure voice anyone had heard, especially from him, "ar-are they really?" he looked at his brother out of the corner of his eye to see a small smile and nod.

A tear escaped the corner of his eye, but he didn't even notice as he made his way closer to the two. He stood just a couple of feet away as he spoke to them.

"Harper? Peter?"

They seemed to take in a nervous breath of air and the nods weren't even really visible. They took a step closer to their father and all three melted into a hug and sunk to the floor, tears now spilling. The twins were engulfed by Thor's large arms and their heads rested in his chest.

While they were having their family reunion, everyone else left the room. Cooper had gone with Steve and Bucky when they left the room to go train. Loki watched for thirty seconds after everyone else was gone before also leaving them in privacy.

The twins pulled out of the embrace slightly to look up at the God of Thunder. They struggled slightly to wipe away the tears that covered their cheeks.

"You two have grown so much," Thor smiled, "but how? How are you alive? How are you here?"

"Uh," Peter stumbled for words.

"You may not believe it, though," Harper told him.

Thor was obviously confused.

"Odin pretty much kidnaped us and split us up here on Earth," Peter finally explained.

They explained their dreams to him, not saying anything about their mother as to not hit a sore spot, slightly getting annoyed by how many times they had explained it, but he needed to know. After they finished, Thor was silent for almost a solid five minutes before speaking up.

"We are going to Asgard," he told them, "we will see his reaction to seeing you."

"You're taking us to Asgard?!" Harper asked.

"It is your home."

"So cool," Peter smiled.

"Now we just have to find Loki first," Thor sighed.

"What did you need, brother?" a voice asked coming around the corner.

"How do you do that?" Harper asked.

Loki just smirked at his niece but gave no explanation.

"We are going to talk to the All-Father," Thor drug out the title and showed his disgust.

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